Premium Member
I almost crapped my pants with the A-Grade scoly story :lol:
Yeah, the one I wanna get is a bleeder. Can't believe I'd pay sooo much for something that's bleeding :lol:
I've got a nice bluish acan colony and some blastomussa that would benefit from some mysis, sigh, time to throw away my lazy boots!!
Alright, so was up thinking last night about the cube system. Realized that adding reds on the drop off would do precious little for research, since water quality differs on both tanks. So, unfortunately, its bye bye t5's on my cube frag tank, and welcome new experimental diy leds trying desperately to imitate the Radium. On that note, I remember the Radion Pro's having a similar spec to the Radium, so I went about trying to imitate it. Setup the led's and just waiting for wiring. Obviously it won't be precise, but an approximation. Let's see
As far as the green poo on the drop off, I'm gonna take a shortcut. Transfer affected frags to the cubes, restore colour, dump 'em back and see what happens
I saw your post on another thread somewhere, about not trying to colour up ALL corals, and in the process, ruining what was already well coloured. This was my mindset at the beginning but got derailed along the way. Thanks, will now move pieces I'm not very happy with to the drop off, and commence building cyborg corals to destroy your reserves :lol:
The name bleeding apple actually refers to the green apple look of the coral. Contrary to what many believe, the 'bleeding' does not refer to any red coloration present - it's what your wallet does when you purchase one. Couple this with the academic record of the scoly - 'A' grade student, and the price is more than justified.....
Since i bought a fish i don't think it's too much to ask of you to get of your bum and feed your corals. I bet if i sat a bowl of fish poo and one of mysis in front of you i know which one you'd prefer. This is scientifically proven as is the almost identical food preferences shared by humans and corals...... if you want i can point you to several non existent scientific papers that back up my claims Bello........
All this LED talk is well and good but without a few pics you could be hanging a jar of fireflies over your tank for all i know - get your camera out you lazy bastard........
I was thinking about what i said in relation to not stressing about certain corals failing to color up but in all fairness i think my situation differs greatly to many of you guys. I pay $40- on average for most SPS branches i purchase but if i was forced to pay exorbitantly high prices for very small frags i'm sure i'd be trying hard to keep everything colored up.
Here's one of the troops sleeping on the job, check out the folded claws.... all he needs is a tiny little shovel to lean on and he'd score a job with my local council.....

We got lucky we thought of it (the carpet) and didn't get caught up in the whirl-wind of trying to get the build going! So glad we paused and got that done. Even though the cost put a damper on the build for a little while... And your right on with the tremendous knowledge base here. All the info gathered here has been extremely helpful in my planning.
And I'm definitely subscribed to this as well! Not only for the good topics, techniques, and conversation. But for the awesome Aussie coral pictures and info! I would LOVE to take a dive trip over there... for now I'll settle for building a killer reef in my living room with the corals I can get here.
My parents just finished up their week long visit. So now I've got the OK to get some dry rock ordered and make a mess of the house for awhile! :blown:
Been through the house building saga several times mate, i particularly enjoyed the time my builder called me and the convo started with, ' don't take this the wrong way mate but your wife is nuts......' she had a habit of asking for features ($$$) to be built that required a bending of the time space continuum to exist - either that or she knew something that Albert Einstein didn't.
Several years later i realised that the builder wasn't actually talking about her ridiculous building requests - she was nuts and i was forced to remove her from the 'tank'....... :uhoh3:
Appreciate you following along my rambling reef journal mate. I had a friend years ago who flew to Cairns and organised to dive with a collector so he could hand pick two boxes of SPS. He ended up with about 20 colonies stuffed in the two poly boxes and flew them home. When he invited me around to check out his dive treasure the first words out of my mouth were ' you bastard....' lol. If you ever get the chance to dive the GBR you'll be a stuttering idiot when you you surface :wildone: and no reef display will ever look the same - don't do it lol.
Nothing better than trashing the house with reef related goings on, i have a towel across part of the kitchen bench and the diamond bladed dremel is left plugged in now in case i get the urge to 'experiment' lol. Some cool rock structures are mandatory for tank battles so make sure you get freaky with the rock.