My 65 Gallon Mixed Reef

Thanks Bello, wasn't bad luck though, just bad reef keeping lol. It does help to have made similar mistakes in years gone by and not hesitate to take speedy but reasonably paced remedial action - on a good note, after lights out all the pieces of caroliniana have excellent PE as does everything else in the tank. :bdaysmile:
For me A. caroliniana always forms a beautiful table of twig like branchlets - if you're going to damage any acro in your tank with a hand bump it will be the bloody caro for sure, having 1/16th" thick branches is a recipe for disaster when you're as clumsy as me in tank fiddling. :worried: Medium to high light, especially the fluoro colors and moderate flow - it hates direct flow for prolongued periods. When you make it happy it rewards you with the most delicate tabling branch structure i think you will see in an acro. :)
I'm going to the LFS this weekend mate, if that little multi is still there...........:beer: Btw when i got the clown i also grabbed a blue mandarin but i kept him a secret lol. He hunts all day, even out on the sand bed as the pods and mysis are pretty confident in light now - they haven't worked out yet that there's a blue pod assassin in the tank........ he's in mandarin heaven :)
This weekend i'm going to put the frags from the LED nano beside their counterparts in the display tank and take pics so you can see any color changes under the same lighting rather than comparing LED and Halide illuminated pics - one guess which ones look better.........

You didn't notice the ric on that small left shelf i added, just below the caro frag lol. Ric's piece of rock was perfect for my small ledge but he's not at all impressed with the high flow and i think he's on the move lol.
You sneak b******! Adding a mandarin on the sly :lol:. I had one with me for about 2 years in my old 260G. Never ate a single darned thing that I fed him. I do believe that if you get them small and active, you may have a better chance with getting them to eat prepared/frozen. They do make a lotta sense though as long as they're happy with the pod population, no risk of unnecessary feeding :)....Still prefer a multibar :fish1:

Thanks for the info on the caro, hopefully I'll get one soon enough. I purchased a "deepwater" a couple months ago, can't really see it in the acro tank. Will take better pics.

Where on God's blue watered earth is that damn ric? I can't even see it, now that you've told me :lol:. As you said, they don't quite like the high acro flow IME. Light isn't that much of a prob.

Waiting for the LED to Halide comparison. I'm sure the ones under MH will be better, but by what magnitude?? That's the question :)....Don't cheat :p
That LED/Halide comparison will be great to see. I love the idea of placing them side-by-side under the same light source to compare color in the same photo. This will be super interesting to me! And I think the LED version will look better... Why... because I want to build a full spectrum LED. So here's hoping... right?

Either way, thanks for all the good conversation, tips, pics, and your willingness to experiment with different techniques :beer:

Also, you're making me super jealous just beyond corals now. I'm really interested in possibly keeping a pair of mandarin's down the line in my 90 (that's why I'm planning the large refugium out of my old 75 gallon).

The Alk and nutrient levels are super interesting as well. I've been trying to study up and reading LOTS of mixed reef thread talks lately on comparing Alk levels to the amount of nutrients in the system and how that might affect coral coloration. In fact, I think searching those ideas might be how I originally stumbled into the middle this vicious battle going on.

:headwalls: ===> Me hiding in my bomb shelter bouncing off the walls for now :-)
Can't see the ric hey Bello........ it's right above the new monti mate. :p Dropped by the LFS early to beat the weekend SPS buyers lol. I nearly lost control of my bodily functions when i saw that monti in the SPS tank.
Also grabbed the 'tanned' out acro to the left of the monti - no idea what color it is but i'm secretly hoping it's pink - i'd swear it looks like a very sickly SCC but it's prob bloody green lol. Very drab looking specimen and too bloody big as usual. The other two acros are on the raft rock, yellow branch with pink tips - prob a sick green acro. Beside that is a little grey/blue/purple hued colony that looks drab but is very pretty growth wise.
My multi angel had been bought of course so no new fish.:deadhorse1:


:headwalls:===> Me hiding in my bomb shelter bouncing off the walls for now :-)

Two words troub.......... Bunker Buster :blown:

Troub :lol: love the icon bouncing off the walls, seems like biggles is playing dirty... sabotage and such!!! Where you ordering the LED's from? And I think the large refuge should easily be able to support the Mandy's. Just make sure there no competitors for pods like a 6-line, or Tamarin wrasse (I have both :))

Biggles..... you sick SOB!!!!!....Keep buying more of these, and one fine day you'll have me outside your door!!!... You're not playing fair, secretly tapping into your local reserves!!!

That Monti is absolutely gorgeous!!! Never seen anything remotely like it!! But honestly, its too big and you'll have trouble incorporating it into your rockwork, so break up it into 10 pieces, place one in your rock and have it encrust, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, send the remaining 9 pieces to troub and me!!!!!

I bet you one NEW fish in your tank, that the brown acro is an SSC...Remember, I CHOOSE the fish!!

The yellowish green acro is interesting. I can't make it out clearly, but I think its time to trouble Jason for some ID's!!!

Geez, I'm still drooling over the careful that you don't slip on my drool and hurt your sandy bottom!!!
I have big plans for placing corals this weekend and that new monti will be seeing the sharp end of a dremmel....... I was thinking that SCC was tabling only but looking through the SCC thread it appears different growth patterns are possible. The LFS guy did say they had ordered a pink acro colony but it didn't arrive so i'm hoping it did but was just very poopy. If it's SCC the monti on the raft is in for a very rude shock shortly - the frag was nothing lol. As long as it's any kind of pink i'll be very pleased...... Both the smaller pieces are going sun baking tomorrow to stop any darkening in it's tracks.
I'll take some pics with them close to the glass before i position them tomorrow and try to work out ID's
That Oxypora needs a lot more light as it's darkening and the yellow mouths are not as fluorescent as when i first bought it - time for a move.
I dunno about this fish picking idea - sounds like you're trying to get a spy into my tank Bello......... :p
It'd be pretty cool if it were an SSC, but either way, its not gonna be brown for long :)

Where do you plan on placing the oxypora? More light? Don't think they like flow very much. Do you have a low flow/high light area in that maelstrom of a tank :)

The Ric looks like a Yuma, and pretty cool colours already :thumbsup:

I'm pretty curious about the coral ID's........

Spy??? Fine, I'll admit it, I speak fluent "Angelfish" :lol:
Troub :lol: love the icon bouncing off the walls, seems like biggles is playing dirty... sabotage and such!!! Where you ordering the LED's from? And I think the large refuge should easily be able to support the Mandy's. Just make sure there no competitors for pods like a 6-line, or Tamarin wrasse (I have both :))

That Monti is absolutely gorgeous!!! Never seen anything remotely like it!! But honestly, its too big and you'll have trouble incorporating it into your rockwork, so break up it into 10 pieces, place one in your rock and have it encrust, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, send the remaining 9 pieces to troub and me!!!!!

Bello: At least biggles covered up his bare bottom so it's not quite so dirty anymore! :bounce3: When I do get around to the LED's, I was expecting to order most of my supplies through Rapid LED to make a full spectrum fixture out of all Cree LED's. But that was the best deal I thought back when I was studying up on it almost a year ago now. There may be some better options or suppliers out there now. I'll re-research it again and shop around once I get the tank cycling. But back then, they had a package deal that comes with 2 drilled/tapped heat syncs, 2 splash guards, your ordered assortment of diodes, and lenses. Also including 4 drivers, lengths of wire, etc. Having multiple strings on separate drivers is important to me. I have a new Reef Angel controller I'm going to be programming into the system. So I really want enough drivers to do sunrise/sunset effects and such later on. Plus being able to dial in light intensities throughout the day and for acclimation and all as needed.

Oh, and I'm already decided there will be no 6-line in my reef. If I end up going with a pair of dragonettes, I'll really have to pick and choose what else can go with them to avoid competition for pod-food. So that is definitely getting looked into at that stage. But I think it'd be awesome to have a mated (hopefully spawing) pair of dragonettes. Although, the wife is REALLY interested in an anemone too. And I'm not sure on having dragonettes if we have a Nem. Have either of you ever had a Nem in your reef? I can give up the Nem and go with LPS in it's place. I'm still on the fence on that one as well... So many choices I'm getting dizzy!!! :spin3:

Biggles: That new monti looks crazy cool. I would be down for my share of those extra 9 pieces Bello mentioned. Although now with all this talk of bunker busters and spy fish... I don't know if I'd trust a Biggles-Monti Invasion of my reefs sovereignty. lol

I like the Ric too. I think an awesome looking Ric garden area will be my choice over other shrooms on my reef. I love the color and textures of 'em!
Well everything is already looking much happier after spending the night in clean water - both those small colonies are going to be bloody green, very cool greens but still green....... :hammer:
I'm thinking of placing the tan colony on the raft roughly where it is now but i'll cut the base rock to angle it outwards more, what ya think. There's not really anywhere else it can fit and it would be a shame to smash it up as i've done with other pieces that are too big. The oxy is going over to the right side of the tank and a chunk of that monti will take its place on the right rear of the raft rock. That's the plan but things can go horribly wrong lol.



Been a very tiring day today... calcium reactor's been acting up... then realised that the impeller was broken.... oh joy!!

Troub: How are you finding the Reef Angel?? Was very tempted to give it a go, but then, being the lazy person I am, went GHL. It's gonna be a fair amount of fun with all those plans of multiple channels, dimming etc. Pretty awesome if you can pull it off, but its gonna be a fair amount of work.

I pretty much went KISS on the leds...heat sink, led, driver & timer, no bells & whistles. The benefit is that this is very reliable (less things to go wrong), and easily repairable. Also, I have never used optics on any of my led systems, DIY or MaxSpect, and never ever bleached an sps. Just to give you a rough estimate, I'm using 100 x 3w on my acro tank, and 80 x 3w on the Monti, all @ 700ma.

And absolutely no experience with Nem's, and I'm pretty sure that biggles don't like 'em moving around his tank much :lol:

biggles: Honestly, you have too much SPS!!!! You're running outta space...told you to send us some :lol:

I kinda like the greens, especially the lighter one. I'd be curious to see what effect the light blasts have on the second piece though. Think it could turn lime green?

I'm not getting what you plan on doing with the raft. It looks great as is. And damn that Monti is huge!!! This is plain wrong.....incredible colour and huge!!!...just wrong!! :furious:
Beautiful tank Biggles, and very amusing thread!

I think you are on to something with mixing the bonsai skills and reef keeping.

Look forward to seeing it develop,
That sucks about the calcium reactor pump Bello. :( What's all this coded talk about GHL's and Reef Angels - you and Troub are up to no good............ :strooper:

Troub i have had a BTA - it moved all the time and stung my acros so i hate BTA's........
I had a Macrodactyla doreensis that also moved and stung my acros so i hate them too........
That's my experience with anemones Troub. :rolleye1:

Thanks for the kind words buzzy, i can't take credit for the amusing parts- that's down to Bello and Troub who are actually going into the coming tank battle with LED's....... :lol: Don't bring an LED to a Radium gun fight boys......
Many of the techniques in best displaying and sculpturing the growth of a tree apply equally to aquascaping both the rock and the placement of corals to create greater visual impact for the viewer. :)

Not buying any more corals for a few months and will try to save up for another 6095 and a controller. An update on the potato head shrimp. He's taken to hiding in similar colored corals etc in an effort to ambush and clean the clown...... obviously it doesn't work but he thinks he's onto something.......:rolleyes:

That sucks about the calcium reactor pump Bello. :( What's all this coded talk about GHL's and Reef Angels - you and Troub are up to no good............ :strooper:

Thanks for the kind words buzzy, i can't take credit for the amusing parts- that's down to Bello and Troub who are actually going into the coming tank battle with LED's....... :lol: Don't bring an LED to a Radium gun fight boys......'s the code....plain and simple, we're gonna use the latest led technologies and whateverthehellitis's to beat your Radiums :p.

Really bummed about my reactor, it isn't working thanks to one shitty ceramic shaft!!!.... and I can't find the exact spare!!! :furious:. Thinking about purchasing a new one, but I really don't wanna waste the money.

I'm trying to stop purchasing, but Murphy has a way of kicking you in the nuts!!!

Did I hear you say "No more corals"??? :lol: .... yea, yea, yea... Just wait till the new tank comes up, and :blown:
Beautiful tank!! WOW!

Thanks very much for taking the time to comment mate. :)'s the code....plain and simple, we're gonna use the latest led technologies and whateverthehellitis's to beat your Radiums :p.

You and Troub sound like a couple of mad scientists up to evil stuff............. just remember that i won't hesitate to unleash the 400W radium if you two actually get your 'toy' lights working. :lol2:
What's the problem in locating a new shaft, is the pump really old ?

No more new corals - unless i see any new troop movements (SPS) in your tank..........

Mad scientists??.....I dunno about Troub, but I can confirm that I'm plain mad :lol:

Mad trying to fix the reactor. The pump is Maxijet 1000 with a ceramic shaft, and I have/can get an impeller for the Maxijet 1200 (which also fits the 1000, but NOT with a ceramic shaft), it results in the pump working for a few hours and then stopping, and so on and so forth.... Thankfully, alk has not suffered yet, but my patience is waning... Will be putting in an order for a new reactor, and with sooo many darned choices, I didn't know which to pick. Anyways, made my decision finally, hopefully I won't regret it. I'll know in 2-3 weeks.

Getting another 6095 with controller is a good call. Can mix it up a bit, and try and keep the sand on the bottom :). Although it won't easy, I still can't keep the damn sand down......and don't be accusing me of sabotaging you!!! :lol:

Finally see that most of the pieces are in place. I'm interested in how and why you shape the new monti piece the way you did? I know you've got a plan in your head on how your FTS should look, but personally I'd like to see another piece of that Monti in there :)..Closer, where I can see it!!!! :)
Hey Bello :) I think a bit of madness makes for a better reefer lol.
I've set up reactors for friends without a clue but never actually run one myself, i don't envy you trying to pick one out mate - lots of research coming up for you :reading:
The sand just does what it wants and since there's nothing on the bottom it isn't worrying me too much blowing around. I figure my circulation is more important without any controllable pumps atm and once i have the second 6095 and controller i will set it up and then worry about controlling the sand.
There are 3 separate pieces of monti glued into place. The one on the raft rock you can see in the last pic and 2 more you can see in the following end shot. One bit top left behind the green stag and another coming straight out as a shelf opposite that lower blue stag that points to the front of the tank. I chucked 2 other bits in the graveyard with the other forgotten corals lol.


I've been thinking a bit about LED's and why a few reefers seem to have more success than others despite similar systems. The problem with LED's is not the spectrum they can deliver but the way that light is delivered to the corals. A T5 tube and a halide bulb deliver an equal mix of the light spectrum they emit to each coral regardless of how much PAR is involved. Lets say a halide bulb has 70% blue, 20% red and 10% yellow spectrum peaks. Any coral that is illuminated by any amount of light from that bulb will receive the same percentage mix of color spectrum.
LED's do not mix the different spectrums from each diode prior to illuminating the corals. Even if you mimic the halide bulb spectrum ratio's the light that hits each coral will not be the same mix as the diodes deliver a much more spotlight output. Putting 20% red diodes in your fixture will not deliver a spectrum that is 20% red to every coral as the red diodes do not cover the tank evenly. Corals directly under a red diode will receive a much higher ratio of red than those way off to the side. Hope you follow what i'm on about.
I am fairly certain that having more fixtures run at lower output or run at a higher level above the tank will deliver a much more 'halide' like spectrum that is much better and more evenly mixed prior to hitting the corals. Case in point - a successful LED reef with a whole lot more fixtures over it than is normally used.
I've also seen a few stunning LED tanks with 5-6 units over 3-4ft tanks but suspended 3ft above the tanks. If i was running a fixture at 50% i would raise it 50% higher and turn it up to 100% output. Raising it improves the spectrum mix prior to illuminating the corals.
That's what i've decided and so it's now written in stone..............:idea:

Tip of the day........ if the glue or putty you use sends your skimmer nuts simply add a pinch of food to the tank just before gluing something down as it will shut down the skimmer and basically cancels out the glue effects resulting in the skimmer still working close to normal throughout the whole process. No need to turn off the skimmer or dial it back.
Biggles are you running the 400 watter yet? What bulbs are you running at the moment, I love the color your getting from your current lights
Glad there are more pieces of that beauty in there!! I'd love frags of those, could you send some over via carrier pigeon? :lol:

I'm gradually ramping up the flow on the MP40's, still getting used to the sand not being where it should :)

I completely agree with you on your led theory :thumbsup:. This is the reason why I have chosen to never use optics on led's, rather stick with the default 120 degree angles. I've been watching that thread with TBD's tank as well. If you look at the first tank in this link,, you'll notice that the emphasis is on coverage, all over the tank. The heat sinks cover the entire tank! The bulb combo's are simple at best. In any case, whether improved coverage is achieved by raising the lights, or widening the area for better spread, I believe the goal to be the same. What do you think?

I removed my maxspects to install lesser number of bulbs but on bigger heatsinks, for better coverage. Thanks to your post, and my dormant thoughts on the same, I'll be adding more heatsinks while maintaining the same number of led's. But that will have to wait for a few months, my son says so :)

As of now, my colours are largely pastel, but I'm ok with most of them..... for the moment :thumbsup:
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Hey buzzy, not running it atm but i did turn it on for 5 mins a week ago but let's just say that the output was a tad harsh for the corals and since i'm too lazy at the moment to alter the temp light canopy to raise the reflector i am sticking with the single 250W for now run perpendicular to the longest sides - longways, 6" off the water. It's being overdriven at 330W so it is very white when viewed alone and very bright for a 250W bulb.
I did have 2 x twin 39W B+ T5's running at the front and back but it gave the tank a slight blue tint which was a tiny bit too much. I replaced one of the back B+ bulbs for a KZ Fiji purple and now i have a very crisp white light with a sparrows fart of blue - we're talking a baby sparrow here mate. From front to back it's:

250W Radium
Fiji purple

I have run a lot of 250W and 400W radium bulbs over time and i have zero doubt that changing the 250W to a 400W even if lifted to deliver the same PAR will result in better SPS colors - the 250W Radium bulb gives you great SPS colors but the 400W bulb gives you gob smacking colors and i have plans to put the 400W over the display and the 250W over the nano/SPS garbage can.
Since it was ANZAC day a few days ago, you're a Kiwi and since your avvy displays a wicked sense of aquascaping and display design skills you will of course take my side in any slagging of Bello and Troub's tanks in the coming SPS color battles.
It won't be hard as Bello has already stuffed his reactor, prob fiddling with it too much and Troub is off scratching the front glass on his new tank trying to do a Da Vinci with his rock work.......:p

You know i'd send you lots of good stuff if i could Bello. :)
I think your method will achieve the same results by widening the spread on larger areas of heatsink - i'm certain it will lead to better color results from more of your corals mate :thumbsup:
Nothing wrong with pastel colors, way better than browning out slowly so i'm never concerned when i pale a coral out with a light overdose. Those two new colonies are getting a good dose right under the halide up high and most would have already dropped them looking at their reaction, zero PE when the lights on and a sickly paling of color - perfect treatment for any wild sourced acro.
How's your boy doing Bello, what's he been up to lately - they're always into some mischief lol.

I put the torch on the mandarin last night and he was resting on the sand bed with mysis buzzing all over and around him like mosquitoes - he just sat there not giving a toss as he was obviously stuffed too full to eat another thing lol.