Premium Member
Thanks Bello, wasn't bad luck though, just bad reef keeping lol. It does help to have made similar mistakes in years gone by and not hesitate to take speedy but reasonably paced remedial action - on a good note, after lights out all the pieces of caroliniana have excellent PE as does everything else in the tank. :bdaysmile:
For me A. caroliniana always forms a beautiful table of twig like branchlets - if you're going to damage any acro in your tank with a hand bump it will be the bloody caro for sure, having 1/16th" thick branches is a recipe for disaster when you're as clumsy as me in tank fiddling. :worried: Medium to high light, especially the fluoro colors and moderate flow - it hates direct flow for prolongued periods. When you make it happy it rewards you with the most delicate tabling branch structure i think you will see in an acro.
I'm going to the LFS this weekend mate, if that little multi is still there...........:beer: Btw when i got the clown i also grabbed a blue mandarin but i kept him a secret lol. He hunts all day, even out on the sand bed as the pods and mysis are pretty confident in light now - they haven't worked out yet that there's a blue pod assassin in the tank........ he's in mandarin heaven
This weekend i'm going to put the frags from the LED nano beside their counterparts in the display tank and take pics so you can see any color changes under the same lighting rather than comparing LED and Halide illuminated pics - one guess which ones look better.........
You didn't notice the ric on that small left shelf i added, just below the caro frag lol. Ric's piece of rock was perfect for my small ledge but he's not at all impressed with the high flow and i think he's on the move lol.
For me A. caroliniana always forms a beautiful table of twig like branchlets - if you're going to damage any acro in your tank with a hand bump it will be the bloody caro for sure, having 1/16th" thick branches is a recipe for disaster when you're as clumsy as me in tank fiddling. :worried: Medium to high light, especially the fluoro colors and moderate flow - it hates direct flow for prolongued periods. When you make it happy it rewards you with the most delicate tabling branch structure i think you will see in an acro.

I'm going to the LFS this weekend mate, if that little multi is still there...........:beer: Btw when i got the clown i also grabbed a blue mandarin but i kept him a secret lol. He hunts all day, even out on the sand bed as the pods and mysis are pretty confident in light now - they haven't worked out yet that there's a blue pod assassin in the tank........ he's in mandarin heaven

This weekend i'm going to put the frags from the LED nano beside their counterparts in the display tank and take pics so you can see any color changes under the same lighting rather than comparing LED and Halide illuminated pics - one guess which ones look better.........
You didn't notice the ric on that small left shelf i added, just below the caro frag lol. Ric's piece of rock was perfect for my small ledge but he's not at all impressed with the high flow and i think he's on the move lol.