hey buddy glad you finished the job looks sweet:thumbsup:
can't wait to see the acro you pick out when you swap the shrooms
Thanks Fishy, i was too lazy to bother taking the shroom rock back so it's in the sump lol - i did however visit Reeflections aquarium - a LFS with coral tanks that would turn Sahin and Bello into gibbering idiots..........
Hey there Biggles,
It looks like things got accomplished without to many casualties of war this weekend! :thumbsup: I'm liking the new layout. But slap a diaper on that bad boy so we can get rid of the bare bottom now ;-) Haha. All in good time I'm sure. Or not, whatever floats your boat. I just like the sandy bottom look
Here's a question or two for you. How do Acans grow? Fast/slow... encrusting over rockwork? Should they be kept on their own separate piece because they'll over take other corals? Hard to frag if their on a rock tower that can't come out of the tank easily? Placement for lighting and flow are typical for most LPS? Just wondering. You've mentioned them a few times to us and we keep checking out the choices at the LFS when we are there... Like this weekend...
We didn't come back with any Acans this time though. But we may have stumbled across a couple other solid choices this trip.
You're looking good though. Some solid 'scape work done and now to get those colors back to popping! :thumbsup:
Hey Troub, sand will be going back in once i'm happy with the corals health and the water is stable in relation to nutrient levels.
I know nothing about acans mate, i know they're easy to keep as even i don't kill them....... i may or may not have just bought a second acan btw........ :smokin:
It's looking good biggles :thumbsup:, just got back from out of town
I like the arch, has a natural look to it. Think the single bigger structure does look more natural than the rafts
Now all we need is some recovery and some awesome growth and colors. Hope some of the prized pieces are still salvageable
Hi mate, glad you like the big changes, i added a new piece of LR on the right since the pic which completes the look i want perfectly.

While nothing is regrowing yet i haven't seen any new tissue loss for about a week now so i'm sure the acros will perk back up in time.
OMG! Where is the Christmas tree?
Hey Marty, i killed the tree when it was in the sump and everything in that section crashed. Lost a lot of nice 1" frags on that bloody tree including 4 SSC frags.
I walked into Reeflections and couldn't believe my eyes - a 5" long echi branch that had been in the shop TWO WEEKS ! The branch end where it had been snapped off had encrusted over - in a shop tank and in two weeks. You know your LFS is the place to go for SPS when you see that sort of recovery on the corals in their care.
They went from halides which worked great to kessil's which browned out all the SPS to new LED units that are obviously working well considering the state of their acros since removing the kessil 360 lights. Proof is in the pudding for me and i've finally seen an LED light that i'd try if the Radium factory burned down........:blown: Pretty sure they were called Razor's and they were super thin units but very powerful looking at the light they were punching into the water.
I wasn't at all surprised to discover that Kevin is running a book with the fish on how quickly i'll kill this echi, the really disappointing thing was the clown who is out of picture bottom left turning on me - i thought we were pals.......