Right back to serious stuff. Got up this Monday morning on my day off intending to do nothing. Get on RC and check out Troub's journal to find he and his nasty sidekick (wife) have gone out of their way to procure a BLOOD SHRIMP !
The Troub's are both very aware how into cleaner shrimp i am and know how much i want a blood shrimp despite having to pay $175-$200 for one. I never see the bloody things for sale or even skunks ( want a mate for Potatohead to hang with as well ). Talk about putting me in a filthy mood Troub........... and you probably paid bugger all for it too.
Despite having limited funds i decided a trip to Reeflections was called for in order to buy either a cool fish like a flame angel, some colorful flubber or a nice acro. The budget was $100-
I walk in the door and who is running the shop - bloody Dave ! This is where things started to go south with the budget because every time i go to Reeflections and Dave is running the show i always walk out with a box full of acros. If you go to that LFS for SPS and Dave is working you should just give him your wallet when you walk in the door, he's got some weird habit of always being at the shop when there are cool acros in stock.
I quickly scan the fish tanks and see nothing but boring fish - no bloody flame angels at all grrrr. I then took a deep breath and went to the SPS holding tank.......... i actually murmured softly ' ohhhh man ' and looked up to see Dave staring at me from behind the counter with a big grin on his face.
Well, I'm sorry we ruined your day off Biggles. :fun2: It was meant to be an exciting thing we shared by adding it to the tank. It was never meant to instigate a new reef addition war. And I'm absolutely positive that I could not manage to come home with the stuff you did only going $16 over budget.
I mean really... I could buy maybe 3 or 4 good colored frags the size of my pinky for what you spent. But then again, I could probably buy about 7 or so Blood Red or maybe 10ish Skunks for your recent blown budget. lol :blown:
Ok, that's a shame the clam died
Yes Biggles always tries to keep this thread professional but it never lasts long with the SPS delinquents like myself, bello, sahin and the shrimp buying bugger troub we're all constantly screwing it up for him.
Biggles the troub's are starting to concern me with their livestock buying antics.
Biggles going coral shopping on a budget is never a good idea. as it almost always ends in a blown budget. ecpecily if the lfs guy does nothing to stop you picking corals and spending more than you wanted.
Some nice looking corals biggles and the tank is looking great:thumbsup:
I've been interested in having a Maxima Clam at some point. I haven't gotten around to trying it yet. We're testing the filter feeding waters with a simple $10 giant feather duster right now. If that sticks around and does well, I'll really look into a clam once I get my PAR levels tested for my LEDs. Until then, I'll just have to keep hearing about them and seeing them elsewhere...
And what's to be concerned with Fishy? All we're doing is trying to catch up to the awesomeness everyone has on here. Granted it's going SUPER slowly. But I swear if I ever get things balanced out, levels to stop ping-ponging around, and the algae/cyano gets under control... :bounce3: Then you might have some true concerns with our stocking expansion ;-)
And I agree with Fishy, no shopping on a budget. If you hadn't had that stupid "budget" that was limiting you (despite blowing it). Well, then maybe you would have shown up with a Fire Shrimp too. That really would have shown me :clown:
Biggles I am innocent of sneaky activity (unlike the troubs) unless you count my sneaky nano that I'm about to start stocking with corals:dance: (that's why my 67 build has gone quite.......apart from my drop dead gorgeous, half price wrasse

), So if you want to follow my sneaky nano build that would be cool.
I promise, I'm really not trying to be sneaky. Although I may have an addition or two that still hasn't shown up yet. Give me a break, they're coming so quick I can't keep up!!!! LOL No, not really. But between work, life, Mrs Troub, the dog, and the tank; I just haven't gotten all the pics up on there yet.
Well, that and it's not worth putting something up if it just withers away anyway. (Troub makes a sad face and shakes his head). So I've taken to observing a few of the pieces before I share them in there underrated glory.
$16.00 dollars over budget. Your one heck of a shopper.
Biggles, I'm horrible at math so I'm still trying to figure out your algorithm for your reef budget. But if I only went $16 over budget every time we went to the LFS, I'd probably only have snails in my tank! :sad2:
But it looks like you made a potentially great haul despite busting the budget. :thumbsup: I can't wait to have a thriving SPS piece the size of your purchases in my DT! :uhoh3:
OH YEAH and I forgot about THIS:
This has very pale green branches almost cream with bright green polyps and corallites, the contrast and shade of green is super cool - fully intact colony.
I mean really. Hell must've frozen over everyone!!! Biggles not only likes green acros now, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere on here he's in the market for "some colorful flubber" too! What's next, hearing him curse Radiums and give praise to those new-fangled Disco-Christmas-LED thingy-ma-jiggers.