Premium Member
Looks pretty good :thumbsup:
I completely hear you on the tabling colonies. Sometimes you just feel like giving them the chop! I did that with one a while ago, and have frags all spread out over both tanks. The Red one does look good though, nice pickup
The orange milli does look mighty interesting, pretty good for 5 bucks. I also like the green corallite milli . It could get interesting. Looks like the frags are ready for battle :lol:
BTW, been a bit busy, ripped apart my Monti tank
That red table is getting blasted head on by the 6095 and appears to love the high flow so far - i'm not experienced with tabling acros as they were never around when i last had a reef running so i'm hoping i have it placed correctly. Ended up with 3 frags made from base material i chopped off to make it sit somewhere near level on that sloped rock face. :thumbsup:
I much prefer to buy broken off branch tips over colonies but their not usually on offer unless the collector packs the SPS box badly.......
I took your advice on the second tank dimensions Bello and have started the stand for a 52"x36"x something deep, obviously i will now be buying the 2" yellow tang i've wanted since day one and he can go in the second tank down the track :thumbsup:
I require full piccy disclosure of what you've been up to with your monti display in your journal - you sneaky bugger ( i moved the big arch rock 4" to the right and lowered it 3" at the back to open up the 'grotto' between it and the left hand raft rock yesterday - the experience was horrific for myself and all the corals that were smashed, broken and sworn at lol.
great colors!
Thanks mate, hopefully the colors keep improving and the corals keep growing
Wont the corals sting each other in 6 months time with them being located so close to each other?
One can only hope so sahin, i can't stand displays that look like LFS SPS sale tanks - i want a very dramatic and wild look to the reef and will only help a coral out if he's getting absolutely flogged by a neighbouring acro - green acros get no help.........