It's still looking great Biggles. I'm will be jealous of those tabling acros. I've never seen one grown out in a system around me. I don't even know if they're in the LFS's over here very often.
I'm still learning my p's and q's on identifying corals though. So I could be staring right at a frag of one going "OOoOOoOOOoO... look at this little guy. I bet it would turn into something cool!"
Then again, I do that with about any colony I see in a store.
Hey Troub, thanks for the kind words mate. That table is the first one i've seen for sale in the last 4 months which is why i bought it even though i knew i would have probs integrating it into the reef. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow once it gets over the poops and settles in.
When i started my first tank i took Borneman's book - Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History with me every time i visited the LFS and ducked out to check on stuff before buying new species i was unfamiliar with - get it if you don't have it as it's full of yummy pics with good general info on aquarium requirements of many corals.
We were all in your situation once Troub and i'm actually slightly envious of the wonder and excitement that comes when you realise you're actually keeping all these cool corals and beautiful fish in your home even though they think they're still in the ocean somewhere lol - first tank is always the most exciting due to the fear factor.......
Cool mate. I think then I can justify getting a few more frags for my tank. :lol2:
I say go for the wild look mate, it's pretty easy to shape acros growth away from each other with some selective tip pruning if things get ugly lol. That new pink colony on the raft rock beside the flat monti suddenly decided to flex its muscles last night, even though they weren't touching the monti had a 3/4" wide burn circle this morning - the acro doesn't want to friends.
Congrats on a beautiful n colorful tank

This thread is a perfect example of useful and informative discussions.
And everything in a friendly warm way

Good selection on corals and would look amazing once they grow out.
Love your Mandarin.
My dream is to get a mated pair of mandarins. I had seen a pair before and it was just beautiful seeing them together and interacting. But them being picky eaters is my worry. I am on the watchout and once my tank has a high pod population il be ordering them in
Hi Reef_Noob, thanks for nice words mate, appreciate them a lot. I try to keep things concise and to the point here but it's a losing battle with the likes of Bello and Troub constantly steering me off course.........

If you wade through all our wafflings you'll find some handy info here and there and anyone's opinion is welcome - obviously if it differs to mine it'll be shot down in flames with non existent scientific data i may or may not have in my possession now or in the future.........:reading:
I had a mandarin in my last tank and love the little guys, mine hasn't put much of a dent in the pod population despite eating non stop all day and he's used to me now so getting pics is easy

I've never seen a mated pair of mandarins for sale let alone in someones tank, i'd love to see pics of them hanging out together when you grab a pair - they have the coolest swimming motion and i love how they stand on their fins when eyeing off a little critter to eat.
Not a good pic but you can see how opened up the aquascape is in the 'hidden' section that you only see fully from the end or front left side, made lots of room for corals to grow out before getting into some biffo with each other, ignore the frag i dropped in the middle of the sand bed lol.
Finally did some more work on the raft rock and attached some corals, lots more room yet - the skunk has a 'thing' for the new stag which appears to be turning more red than purple but it's early days yet.
Evening shot with actinics just for a change - how can anyone not love this hobby.