Acropora Gardener
Great photo's. How are your Genicanthus angels getting along together in the tank?
They are all getting along really well. My first Genicanthus angel was a female G. melanospilos. I restrained from getting another Genicanthus sp. after my lfs advised me not to due to possible aggression issues. I went against his advice because I could not resist the urge. However, to minimise possible aggression, I bought a really small female G. bellus. This strategy worked. There was some chasing for a few hours and then it stopped. I tested this strategy yet again and bought another small one, this time a female G. lamarck, and then finally a female G. watanabei. The G. watanabei female was relatively large compared to the alpha female G. melanospilos, but surprisingly she was not interested in her. Instead, G. bellus chased her instead for a few hours and then stopped after getting bored of chasing. I always wondered if dynamics would be different if I had put a male Genicanthus into the mix. I may find this out soon if my lfs can get me a male G. watanabei, which will have to be much smaller than the female. Having said that I have never seen a small male Genicanthus sp, except small female G. lamarcks turning male. I may have to wait for a long time to get the right specimen.
If the P+ turns out not to be suitable, try a KZ Fiji Purple. I've always though of it as a
civilized version of a P+.
I like the expression "civilised version"

What I found out is that purple+ can be tamed (or can be made civilised) if it is placed next to certain tubes. When sandwiched between blue+ and aqua blue special, it produces a good illumination. An alternative, which I am going to try soon, is to place it between actinic and aquablue special.
The first idea came from Scotty's tank thread as I use his exact tube combination. The second idea came from this video: