Acropora Gardener
Here are some random shots, which I have just taken:

Here are some random shots, which I have just taken:
These are great! The color contrast is very very good, and I love those anthias!!
Pictures are looking great. I have 4 resplendent anthias 2. They are awesome. I might add some more. How many do you have? You are getting really nice color on your sticks.
Love the selection of Angels in those last pic's, l currently have a female G.Melanospilos, hope to pick up a male on my next trip to the UK.
That Bubble Algae is a bute, l used to strategically place big uns like that in my neighbours garden, god only knows what they thought they were and came from, LOL.
These are great! The color contrast is very very good, and I love those anthias!!
Beautiful shots, Bulent. Love the colour mix and sheer coverage of coral.
I see four of your genicanthus in the first two shots. Nice!
I recently found a second bellus, a little bigger than my existing one.. Hoping it will turn to a male..
Oh yeah. That's a a bubble bomb alright.
Got a few of those myself!
I was just sitting here feeling pretty good about the tank and then i saw your anthias shoal - absolutely beautiful Bulent
I have 3 out of 15 glassfish that 'shoal'.........they look like freshwater feeder fish.......... :hammer:
The acros are looking great :thumbsup: