My 65G Shallow Reef Tank


How would I know if she has overgrown my tank?

Other reefers will start complaining about it. lol.
Hi Matt,

Below is a scenario to be avoided:


This happens when your RODI reservoir runs dry and your peristaltic pump keeps pumping air. Fortunately, your stirrer will dump undissolved calcium hydroxide for not more than a few minutes. After you refill your RODI container, you need to ensure that you collect any effluent in a separate container while you are purging air accumulated inside the feeding tube. Once effluent starts to drip, you ought to stop your peristaltic pump to allow the solution to settle. This takes up to 90 minutes.

I am glad that I noticed it this morning. While dealing with the peristaltic pump connected to my kalk stirrer, I also noticed that I forgot to switch on my other peristaltic pump that is connected to my Alk solution. I switched it off 3 days ago during water change. As of 7 pm last night, alkalinity dropped to 5.5 dKH. :eek: This is not the first time it happened though.

Wow, Bulent thanks for that. Hopefully I will avoid this possibility because my reservoir will be automatically topped off and should never empty...
It's just so crazy how may ways there are to potentially knock off ones reef!
I hope the alk drop isn't too stressful on the tank!
Love this anthias!
I believe that you have one of the most consistent, beatiful systems in the hobby. We have seen you support more life in a smaller tank then most people have in a large tank. You have removed major Stags, re arranged landscapes, and violently dissected threatening corals and never had dangerous swings, crashes, or unwanted episodes. It is like a drama free tank.

Good show, man!
I believe that you have one of the most consistent, beatiful systems in the hobby. We have seen you support more life in a smaller tank then most people have in a large tank. You have removed major Stags, re arranged landscapes, and violently dissected threatening corals and never had dangerous swings, crashes, or unwanted episodes. It is like a drama free tank.

Good show, man!

Nicely put!
I believe that you have one of the most consistent, beatiful systems in the hobby. We have seen you support more life in a smaller tank then most people have in a large tank. You have removed major Stags, re arranged landscapes, and violently dissected threatening corals and never had dangerous swings, crashes, or unwanted episodes. It is like a drama free tank.

Good show, man!

This is a tremendous compliment. When I read it this morning, it really cheered me up. Thank you. I appreciate it.

I am a very patient person when it comes to reefkeeping. I tend to take my time when I change things, be it aquascape or dosing new chemicals.The recent dissection of my Montiporidae (bar M. setosa) has been going on for more than a month.

Here is the latest state of the most unsightly section my tank:






Facing this crap day in and day out for a prolonged period of time requires a lot of patience. I think I have another week or two before I finish the latest deforestation/aquascaping exercise.
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Here are some more fishy pictures:



This one is my favourite. The wrasse is a good poser:


Moreover, since I moved my "red dragon" to a less bright spot, its coloration has improved significantly. Its growth has also started to pick up a bit:


Finally, I started to dose Brightwell Aquatic's Koral Color on 27th November 2016 at a rate of 0.3 ml per day as part of an experiment on one of its ingredients' impact on bryopsis. I will reveal my hypothesis and test results in the coming weeks or months. Unlike the results I got after my first attempt at using Koral Color, this time I have noticed very noticeable intensification of colours, particularly pink colours on A. millepora and A. sarmentosa. I initially thought it was perhaps confirmation bias, but a gentleman who regularly comes to buy frags from me pointed this out early on this afternoon without prompting. So, I have independent confirmation. The difference between two attempts is that unlike last time, I did not stop dosing Tropic Marin NP-Bacto-Balance and A- Elements though I stopped dosing K- elements. For the purpose of completeness, this is what I dose daily:

0.3 ml Koral Color
1.8 ml TM Bacto-Balance
2.5 ml TM A- Elements
0.3 ml TM (Elimi NP- Polyalcohols)
1 drop KZ Sponge Power

Watch this space...
It should be able to keep some of its yellow, I think..maybe all of it..
Needs good strong light to do so.. put it up high.
I love the colour. I've never been a millie fan for some reason (that I don't really know..) but that Orange yellow colour is very enticing. Schnitzel has a couple amazing yellow/orange/rust millies. He may have some insight. I think he runs t5 and reefbrite leds.
It should be able to keep some of its yellow, I think..maybe all of it..
Needs good strong light to do so.. put it up high.
I love the colour. I've never been a millie fan for some reason (that I don't really know..) but that Orange yellow colour is very enticing. Schnitzel has a couple amazing yellow/orange/rust millies. He may have some insight. I think he runs t5 and reefbrite leds.

Thanks Matt. I think I will go ahead and buy it.
Brown? :D

I really have no idea and while their webpage is really annoying it appears they have my blue stag and have id'ed it as valenciennesi. Sorry, I am of no help. :D

Hi Mark,

The proprietor of Reefworks, Clayton Smith, is actually a Marine Biologist. That's all I can say. He is mostly accurate on his coral identifications though he named some corals inaccurately in the past.

What do you think your blue stag is called and how do you know yours is the same as the one named as A. valenciennesi in Clayton's website? Looking at this stag's price, he does not seem to value it very much. If you are certain that that is your coral, then I might fancy buying a frag.

I have an orange millie. It stays orange very well and have nice growth too. It receives about 300 par. I believe yours will be very nice.

Hi Bernie,

Your millepora looks really nice. I have just purchased a frag and prepared its place ahead of receiving it as per Matt's recommendation.
Strong light and flow will help that millie maintain its color. I have several pieces of PC sunset millie and it holds its color very well under my LED lighting. Mine did turn brown and green after the great tank crash of 2016. The surviving colonies recovered well and holding their color.
I can appreciate going demolition man to keep colonies in check. I do not frag very often and acro colonies need to be held in check. Even after your recent attack at overgrowth, your tank still looks amazing............................Jim
Strong light and flow will help that millie maintain its color. I have several pieces of PC sunset millie and it holds its color very well under my LED lighting. Mine did turn brown and green after the great tank crash of 2016. The surviving colonies recovered well and holding their color.
I can appreciate going demolition man to keep colonies in check. I do not frag very often and acro colonies need to be held in check. Even after your recent attack at overgrowth, your tank still looks amazing............................Jim

Thanks for your advice Jim. Do you have a tank thread, so that I can have a look at your sunset millie? What is "PC" stand for? I am not very conversant with abbreviations and common names for corals.

I have just demolished half of my A. desalwii colony as it was overtaken by bryopsis. As you can imagine I am getting tired of all this. I keep going hoping that it will end soon.

I have two more steps left. I will have to take two big rocks out of my tank in turn to remove the last remaining bits of the purple montipora encrusted on them. I am fearing that I will damage the big colonies during this process. I will keep my cool and do my best.
Hi Bülent,

Have you heard about Vibrant Liquid Aquarium Cleaner by Underwater Creation? They state it will help getting rid of all kind of algaes. There's an extended thread on the other forum.

Very nice millie. In my tank millies and tenuis are not doing well and they are my very favourite species [emoji22]
Hi Mark,

The proprietor of Reefworks, Clayton Smith, is actually a Marine Biologist. That's all I can say. He is mostly accurate on his coral identifications though he named some corals inaccurately in the past.

What do you think your blue stag is called and how do you know yours is the same as the one named as A. valenciennesi in Clayton's website? Looking at this stag's price, he does not seem to value it very much. If you are certain that that is your coral, then I might fancy buying a frag.

I can't be 100% sure but the color, the tips, and the tiny polyps were a match. His colony and other pictures of A. valenciennesi aren't an exact match though. Mine is not nearly as 'bumpy', at least not yet.
I can't be 100% sure but the color, the tips, and the tiny polyps were a match. His colony and other pictures of A. valenciennesi aren't an exact match though. Mine is not nearly as 'bumpy', at least not yet.

Thanks Mark. Do you have a recent close-up picture of your staghorn? I have checked your tank thread and seen a few of its photos, but they are close-up photos.
Hi Bülent,

Have you heard about Vibrant Liquid Aquarium Cleaner by Underwater Creation? They state it will help getting rid of all kind of algaes. There's an extended thread on the other forum.

Very nice millie. In my tank millies and tenuis are not doing well and they are my very favourite species [emoji22]

Thanks Sergi. If you tell me which forum you referred to, then I will do some reading.
Thanks Mark. Do you have a recent close-up picture of your staghorn? I have checked your tank thread and seen a few of its photos, but they are close-up photos.

Recently this is probably the best I have.

His photo:

This is the only acro I have where the tips are rarely symmetrical and at times look like they've been chewed on. Always good polyp extension at night but you wouldn't guess it from the look of them. To my eyes this is the best match I've seen.

When mine were in better shape: