MY 75 gallon with rock wall.


Skimmer Guy
Hello all , I am hosting the meeting this month and will have my tank up but I will be upgrading to a 90 gallon as I got a prtty good deal on a new one IMO. So I will be selling my 75g with the rock wall here probably sometime @ the end of the month. So if anyone is interested it is a one of a kind. The wall will com out if someone wanted to take it out as well. There are a few zoos and stuff that have started growing on the wall and alot of coraline that blends it all together. Well let me know if anyone will be interested. And it is a Reef ready all glass tank. selling tank with wall and sand bed as I will be going bare bottom.
If anyone wants it let me know. I should be ready to swap them out after the meeting saturday or sometime that following week like monday afternoon as I am on vacation for a couple weeks. the wall has 50lbs of live rock built into it and the sand bed has about 8 sand sifting snails and a sand sifting star.
if someone would like it let me know. I was thinking like $200 for the tank with the rock wall and sand and its critters in it.
if someone wanted the 75 without the wall It can be taken out. the back of the tank is blue and was painted out the outside back pane of glass. it is in perfect condition. just thought I would throw that out there.
btw tank is sold. It is still running till probably monday. I have a sand sifting star and a sea cucumber if someone needs them let me know$5 each seem fair or trade for coral. :)