My 94g shallow reef tank

Time for an update.

I keep dosing the products from sangokai and the tank seems to like it. Corals show nice PE and seem to settle in quite good. I also introduced a tomini and blue tang - both are eating like pigs.

First off a FTS (blue LED only)

Right side

Left side

Blue tang

And some coral (all under blue LED and blue T5)

I also changed the position of the RW-8 to create a better flow. Starting to kick up the white lights in the last days. More Pictures soon.
nice looking tank love the stand!
What type of material is that your using? You said cement but thats not regular cement?
The cement is also distributed by Korallenwelt. It seem´s to be some kind of ceramic cement which is compatible with reef tanks. So far no problem. Can´t wait to see till everything on the ground is covered with coralline algae
FTS with full lighting:

Right side of the tank is in need of some more coral!

Left side:

The hystrix is already showing signs of growth.

The skimmer from fish-street is also doing a pretty good job

I´m going to wait about 2 weeks before I introduce some more coral, to see if everything is settling in nicely.

What fish would you add to tank next?
The tank is coming along quite nicely.

I added some new fish, first up my dusky wrasse, halichoeres marginatus

beautiful fish and he also found the sand bowl I made :)

I also added 4 marcia anthias

Last but defiantly not least, red head solon fairy wrasse

Flashy colors :D

I also added a RBTA, someone knocked over the pink birdnest, I realized it after I took the shot.

And a FTS

Since the corals seem to do okay I plan on adding another batch in a couple of days.
I wonder, does anyone know a company in the us that does this type of work? I've got really interested in doing something like that in my 120g reef.

Anybody? :)
