ichthyman said:Shawn,
Lee's original unit was also built by Dennis Galloway. Merle Sanders' also had a split chiller built by Dennis. Heck, Dennis had a split unit built by Dennis.
I am not questioning Robââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s abilities at AC repair/installation or Tonyââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s knack for finding anything out on the internet.
Just wanted to be historically accurate by giving credit to were credit is due.
I don't doubt his original unit came from Dennis infact I figured it did. Not too many people around here were doing this sort of thing that long ago. I can guarantee one thing, Dennis did not invent this either so I'm not sure he deserves all the credit either. I'm possitive this concept was being done much earlier than the 90's. These type of systems have been built for many years on lobster tanks. This concept was just refined and made better. I have seen the coils that Dennis made and it is literally one small piece of titanium bent into one loop, nothing special but it did the job. It would be very difficult to be historically accurate with an item such as this.
I just wonder why you feel the need to quickly respond and try and take away from all the efforts they have done learning how to perfect these systems, after all without Rob you would still be running all-in-one chillers. Be nice, he did a lot of work for you at the drop of hat and at a minimal cost to you.