my clam cut the cord


New member
My 2.5 inch maxima attached to a rock the day after I got it. I set him on the sand bed for the first few weeks and he seemed happy. Then I moved his rock up a little higher and he seemed OK there too for about 3 or 4 weeks. Maybe more.

Anyway, the other day I found him sitting on the sand again. All his bissal threads were still on the rock in a nice little bunch. It looks like someone came along and snipped his threads off and he fell. The clam is still OK, and when I found him, his "foot" thing was extended about 1" behind him and starting to stick to another rock. So I know his gland is OK. Here's the kicker... The night he did it, is the night my sump lights went out. I had my (macro algae 'fuge) lights on 24 hours/day previously and this one night they were out he took the plunge.

Is it normal for a clam to sever its own threads and take a leap? Is it a sign of extreme stress? Could a pH swing from the tank being in complete darkness have caused him to freak out? He didn't seem too bothered by his position on the rocks until now... He's growing steadily and not gaping or bleaching. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hi there. The clam simply didnt like where he was before so disconnected and moved. Maybe the water flow wasnt right, or changed, maybe something to do with the lighting or could have been due to the pH swing, hard to tell. But I have had clams do this in the past and they were fine.

Just be sure the tank gets enough calicum and alk and the light is ok.
He seems fine on the bottom of the tank. I guess I'll just leave him there. He's just sitting in the sand and he positioned himself sort of aiming toward the glass, so what the heck.

Thanks for asking... BTW - new clam coming tomorrow! blue-rim squamosa :D
Be sure to post us some pics of the new clam. :) I did read the update on your tank in nanoreef, but I seem to recall you have a 150w halide on your tank?