My corals are starting to die need advise!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6756036#post6756036 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DocReefer
Certainly looks like what I've experienced with redbugs.
Did you interceptor your tank and if so, did your corals recover after treatment?
Yes, I have used interceptor on 3 different occasions now. I think my source for corals has a potential red bug issue. The redbugs are usually toast by the 6th hour but often the corals, once they start to develop signs of infection need to be cut back to healthy tissue or fragged.
I also used interceptor but the bugs did come back on one colony. The others I've looked at very closely and no bugs.

The colonies that are receding are stylophora and my monti's. So it can't be the bugs. Unless they have switched their host of choice.

My case seems to be chemical. I use instant ocean salt. It's a pretty new bucket so I don't think there are problems with it. It has to be some nutrient deficiency.
Well, I've finally given in and treated with the full dose of interceptor. All bugs are gone. Next weekend is treatment #2.

I was starting to lose my green mille and that can't happen. I did find bugs on it finally. I think there has just been too much change with my tank in the past 6 months and it has done too much damage.

Going to let things settle after the bug treatment and see what happens. I just wish I hadn't lost so many colonies. I'm going to be extremely picky about what goes in the tank from now on.

I do still believe something else is wrong but just going to continue to keep up on water quality. Hopefully it all straightens out.
I experienced loss of tissue twice before.

Once it was related to high tank temperatures. The temp had shot to 30C plus.

Second time and more recently I never found out why but dosing it weekly with Lugols iodine has cured it. After the third day I started to see the improvement.



This is my fourth week of dozing. I shal stop after a few weeks.
Check your pumps and powerheads in addition to your water params....I had unexplained issues lately until I checked all my pumps and powerheads. In turned out that the smaill powerhead I used to increase flow into my Ca reactor had frozen up and the stainless shaft had rusted! Within a few days of removal, the corals began to color up again and tissue is beginning to grow on the dead spots.

I would have never thoought to check but I read something here regarding rusty screws on Mag pumps that led me to check all the pumps and powerheads...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6793685#post6793685 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dan Fagan
Check your pumps and powerheads in addition to your water params....I had unexplained issues lately until I checked all my pumps and powerheads. In turned out that the smaill powerhead I used to increase flow into my Ca reactor had frozen up and the stainless shaft had rusted! Within a few days of removal, the corals began to color up again and tissue is beginning to grow on the dead spots.

I would have never thoought to check but I read something here regarding rusty screws on Mag pumps that led me to check all the pumps and powerheads...

Same thing happened to me
Things are looking better since I treated for the red bugs. Colors are getting richer and the polyps are extending much more. Should've done it a long time ago but I was affraid of losing things I've had a long time(shrimp, crabs etc.).

So far so good. I do treatment two today.
What was the treatment that you used. How did it affect everything. I am getting ready to get into the sps world so I would like to know. I only have one beginner brown sps right now.
I have had the Fe problem related to pumps mentioned and also recession that was stopped by iodine addition or water changes, either one would stop it for a week or two and then it would come back. That one was really weird and went away after a few months and only the tips were effected. Then there is the old phosphate remover problems I had a while back when those came out. Other than those three IME a sudden change in alk or temp are two very likely causes. It can basically be anything that stresses the coral. The Montipora issue sounds like it could be nudis and Red bugs and acro eating flatworms are also very real possibilities in the cases of the acros.
good luck, Chris
I had a dumb a** moment and used a quarentine tank's water (did recent water change a week prior - no copper just used skimmer for water movement and filtration) as replacement water when I did a water change in my tank.

The water change change was in combination with me moving rocks around in my tank and siphoning up detritus (bare bottom tank).

What was the result........

Other than the sps were stressed from being a bit banged up (you try hanging onto a rock covered with little tube worm tubes poking into your fingers) the copperband developed ich - ich free at the time.

After doing a few water changes things are getting better in the tank. I have a green birdsnest that is starting to stn from the base and a tort that is annoyed at the moment.