My daughter is trying to tell you something

Oh that is annoying! ;) That means there are not one but two steps higher visual goodness I could achieve: 5D back and L glass lens.
I havent stuck my 100-400 L lens on there yet, I should just to see what it does. I'm already very impressed with the non L glass I have, so it's hard to imagine the L being much better.

Your baby is getting soooo big, time is really going by fast!
Oh, btw, your pictures are beautiful as usual!
Thanks! And yes, Nicole is growing SOOOOOO fast, it's hard to believe she is already half a year old.

Good to know! That 100mm 2.8 should be my next purchase. That and a 10-20 Sigma.
The 100mm macro is a great lens. If you dont have a telephoto at all, it even works well at that. It isnt a real long reach but that's all I had for a while and it was plenty. Prime lenses are so nice as far as quality of picture goes and the 100mm is no exception.
I really like this camera, I wish I had gone full frame 2 years ago when I started into photography but oh well :)

Uh, I told you FF was the bomb :). Congrats on the new body! Now once you ditch that 100-400 you'll wish you did that long ago too :eek:.
My baby pictures are all taken with a 50mm f/1.4, so also not an L. I've heard you have to have L glass on the 5d to get the max out of it, but I'm happy with the results so far.

No need for a Canon "L"
With a baby that cute, you can shoot through a coke bottle and still get an adorable portrait ;)
Nice upgrade. Now get yourself a Black Rapid strap and be even happier. Whatever you do don't mount a 35L or ZE 2/35 on there or you will end up upgrading some glass too :)

BTW, cute baby... not too long ago I had a couple of those, oh how they change...
Uh, I told you FF was the bomb :). Congrats on the new body! Now once you ditch that 100-400 you'll wish you did that long ago too :eek:.
Hah, no, I still like the 100-400. It is so much more versatile than the 300mm prime which is the only lens I'd perhaps replace it with. It's cheaper too :) And... I dont use it indoors or in darker situations, so I really have no need for the f/2.8!

I'm still sticking by my 100-400, it produces some great pictures with just a little help from me.

No need for a Canon "L"
With a baby that cute, you can shoot through a coke bottle and still get an adorable portrait ;)
Hah, thanks. She's really been a blessing, everyone can tell you how much kids change your life but you never really know until you experience it firsthand.

Nice upgrade. Now get yourself a Black Rapid strap and be even happier. Whatever you do don't mount a 35L or ZE 2/35 on there or you will end up upgrading some glass too :)

BTW, cute baby... not too long ago I had a couple of those, oh how they change...
They change FAST. She's already 6 months old and it seems like just yesterday she was a bloody little blob shooting out a canal much too small for what it was doing.

I wont be mounting any news lenses on it for a while, I've been saving up for the new camera for quite a while, it will be even longer until I buy another lens :)

We're going to Hawaii in January, that's where most of my money is going to now, but totally worth it :)
I just thought I'd update... I love this camera. It takes such amazing pictures. I dont think my skill level improved but my pictures have definitely gotten better. Being able to use no flash indoors is a huge thing with baby photopgrahy.




I've been using it a month now and I'm still blown away by how clean a 2500ISO image comes out.

Also, I love the video. It works pretty well for relatively slow moving babies :) I'd hate to try to video something like a sports game though with lots of movement.

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She's very cute! Looks like she's trying to stand already too! Thanks for sharing.
Yes, half the time as she crawls she starts standing up, it's pretty funny. She just turned 7 months yesterday so she is definitely not old enough to walk yet, but she is sure trying.

Love this shot!! She has that, what do you think you are doing? look
Yes, she looks a little ornery there, like she thinks her mom who is behind her is going to take her away from the car she likes so much. She's very expressive, always has been :) Her eyebrows move a LOT.