Fitstly, sorry to resurrect such an old thread
This is my first post on the site. I felt compelled to reply!
I have literally spent hours on here reading every single post.
Your work (as well as everyone else who has posted pics) is absolutely stunning. I recently purchased a 4ft aquaone acquiescence. I was looking at aquascaping ideas and came across your thread.
I would love to own a marine tank but I really haven't the time to look after one properly. after seeing your initial pictures I decided that I will cheat and make it look like a marine tank with Malawi cichlids stocked.
I went and purchased all the required items suggested throughout the thread and I have started the project. So far I have a little more foam work to do and the resin/sand finishing touches but so far I am so happy with how it looks. I am equally happy that I stumbled across this thread BEFORE I decided to stock my tank lol.
I also decided to put a network of tubes in through the rock/foam work so that I have several streams of air running out of various parts of the structure (I haven't yet tested this so fingers crossed it will work!)
Anyways, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone in this thread for all the help and information.
I have taken loads of progress pics of my build. As soon as it is completed I will try and post a few.
I want to try this on my 24 gallon cube. But I will be replacing some of my live rock about half. I have 3 fish, lps, sps, and other corals will I have a mini cycle? Sand bed will be in place, will just be making a back wall and some caves, bridges, and ledges.
Any suggestions?
I used a 32 gallon Brute with a 10:1 RODI/vinegar solution for 3 days. I also had two power heads in the bin. Had I done a more thurough job... I would have had less of a phosphate spike once in the display.
About to start a 480 mixed reef project (120X30X30). Wanting to use pond foam to create the back wall and some "pillars" with dryrock and sand. I can't see any updated photos of yours? Any negatives? Long term drawbacks? If you have current pics I'd love to see them.
I did not read this whole thread but I know for a fact closed cell Poly foam is only good for dry use. In wet or underwater environments it breaks down after 1 to 3 years and becomes open cell and eventually crumbles.
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