my dream, my wifes nightmare 500 gallons


New member
well my wife came home after being gone for 2 weeks to find that I had made some changes to our living room a new fish tank.
I have been working and saving for quite sometime to buy it.

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ada boy you showed her didnt ya how's the Dog house....:rollface: :rollface: :rollface:
every aquarist's dreams is a wife's nightmare!! The wife is the worst competition when it comes to manufacturers.
I always make sure i do all my aquarium upgrades when she's gone at work or shopping. That way she's not standing over my shoulder asking "How much was that, How much was this". Most of the time she doesn't even noticed the change. I just replaced my MHs from 5700Ks to 14000Ks. The tank looks alot better. She never even noticed and she looks in the the tank alot everyday! "Can you say clueless".
Its easier to ask for forgivness than permission!

I lucked out and got one that is supportive of my sickness!
I guess I married the right woman... When I was planning my tank, I started with a 240... Then she came in with a tape measure and decided that I should go as big as I possibly could given the space... So I wound up with a 370.

New we are talking about 1000 plus gallons when we move:)
she was grumpy at first then asked why I didn't go bigger and put in the wall via the garage:mixed:

Oh well our new house will be finished this fall. 5500 sqft house with a 20x20 fish room with filter room. Hmm maybe 2 500 gallon tanks
I would have been the victim of a grizzly homocide if I would have moved a 500 gallon tank in while the secretary of war was out of town...
For me this might be one of those cases of "Wanting is Better than Having" If my wife was like that I would Have the biggest and Best of everything, I would also be totaly Broke :) In this hobby you need someone to keep constantly Pinching You and keeping you firmly rooted in reality.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7284499#post7284499 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Hop
I guess I married the right woman... When I was planning my tank, I started with a 240... Then she came in with a tape measure and decided that I should go as big as I possibly could given the space... So I wound up with a 370.

New we are talking about 1000 plus gallons when we move:)
Hmmmm, I am one of these women............I inherited my first tank (50g) from a friend that passed away, after I got my 180g, I passed it on to my boyfriend.
I now have the 180g, a 29g and 3 20g and working on a 250g. He still has the 50g and working on a 90g.

I have no idea how much the 250g cost me so far, I have to hide all the receipts......but he helps me with the plumbing :) :) :)
4 foot wide - nice. And in the living room too. Indeed a very brave man. My fish is pretty supportive but only because I do reasonably well with my business and can afford to blow $500 or $1000 monthly on fish or corals and other stuff. I mean, setting up a big system is painful but then you got to stock it and it takes a lot to stock a large tank. I think I have about $3000 to go in coral alone. Yikes.
here is more pics and info.
the tank is 1 inch thick.
14 inch over flow dead center.
90 gallon refugium.
1/2 chiller
300lbs of live rock.
280lbs of live sand.




