My Dream Vacation- LOOONG Overdue Pics

Unreal! I have got to show my wife these pics and try persuade her to plan our next trip

Great pictures, thanks for taking the time to upload/post them for all of us to drool over :)
Unreal! I have got to show my wife these pics and try persuade her to plan our next trip

Great pictures, thanks for taking the time to upload/post them for all of us to drool over :)

Hahaha... no problem Andrew. I figured I made you wait long enough after promising to post these several months ago!


We don't have a "drool" emoticon on this site? Needed, badly.

Thanks for sharing, awesome pics, and what a great place to go.
Now it's time for my FAVORITE fish... saw a ton of these and took plenty of pictures. They, unfortunately, are pretty difficult to catch on film since they are always moving around, but here are a few that turned out...




And then these were just a little creepy looking... welcome to a garden of Garden Eels...

I had to lay on the seafloor for about a 30 seconds to get that shot... after things were quiet, they slowly rose from their holes and swayed in the current. Pretty cool stuff.


Looks awesome! I want to go there so bad! I would love to do a spearfishing/camping/diving/vacation there! haha probably have to get away from the marine preserve though
Thanks for sharing. Looks like you had a blast. A trip to fiji would be neat when I get older. Added this to my bucket list. Haha
Looks awesome! I want to go there so bad! I would love to do a spearfishing/camping/diving/vacation there! haha probably have to get away from the marine preserve though

Haha... yeah dude. Can't do any fishing in the marine preserve, but anything outside of the reef is game. If you look at the aerial picture I posted, you can easily see the outerreef which essentially is the boundary of the marine reserve. Doesn't make complete sense since the reef relies on fish/animals outside of the reef to thrive, but it seems to have worked well since there seems to be a TON of life thriving on this reef.

wow! nice pics
Thanks for sharing

Very beautiful, thanks for the pictures!

Thanks guys!

Great pictures! I miss Fiji, very beautiful and secluded all around. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks! Yeah, I miss Fiji already too. Can't wait to go back.

Thanks for sharing. Looks like you had a blast. A trip to fiji would be neat when I get older. Added this to my bucket list. Haha

Definitely had an awesome time... don't wait too long before you go though! :D

Awesome pictures Chad. Got me jealous that we didn't pick Fiji for our honeymoon. Keep the pictures coming. :)

Thanks bro'! Bali is on my list too though, so maybe you can give me some insight on the sights to see there! :)

More pics to come soon!

So the next set of pictures are some of my favorites. Not that they are especially good or anything, but because they are one of my favorite animals in the ocean... SHARKS.

I've been diving for the last several years in different places, and have swam with Whale Sharks, Bull Sharks, Leopard Sharks and some Black Tip Reef Sharks, but I have NEVER seen as many sharks as I did in Fiji (an indiciation of a thriving ecosystem).

In fact, every morning, I would walk out on our deck (that overlooked the island reef below), and we would see baby black-tip reef sharks swimming in the shallows looking for their next meal. And almost every single snorkel/dive trip, I would see at least one (usually more) shark cruising around (either a Black-tip Reef, White-tip Reef, or Gray Reef shark).

One cool story happened about midway through our trip. When at breakfast with the divemaster, we were talking about how much we had seen so far, and what animals that were out there that we hadn't seen yet. He knew that I loved sharks, so he mentioned that the only other shark that you sometimes see are Hammerheads, but that this was rare since they usually stuck to the open waters.

I bet you can guess what we saw not more than one hour later when on our morning snorkelling trip... yep, a pair of hammerheads (on the small side... only about 6 feet long and extremely thick bodies)!!! Too bad I couldn't get any great pictures of them, but here are a few other shark pics...







Alright... here's some pics for the SPS lovers out there...









It's too bad I couldn't pick up some of the colors I saw, but these give you an idea of the vibrance of some of the corals out there.


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