My dreamtank/fishroom


New member
I am in the process of building my biggest tank ever. I finally took the plunge and added an addition to my home and incorporated a 12'x16' basement room for my reef tank and frag tank.

I am a bit nervous at this point as I am about to order the main tank and I am constantly concerned that I didn't plan enough for the weight of the tank. The conditions during my build are exacerbating my fears. Hopefully all will be well.

Here are a few pics of what I did last year. More pics will follow during the build. And feel free to give me any advice, especially regarding the strenght of the concrete where the tank will sit.

Step one, dig a really deep hole.

My wife and baby girl thinking what are we getting into?

Forming it up, it rained 2" from 7 p.m. to that morning. I had to tarp the site and direct the runoff to a hole w/ a sump pump or I would have had a swimming pool. BTW the soil is hard grey clay that the footings are on.

A tough site to work on.

A few notes about the tank. It will be 8'x3'x26" and I plan to do a concrete block stand w/ steel I beams just like GScheimer's stand.
The concrete under the stand is 5" to 6" thick but the rest of the basement is 4". The display will divide that large game room from this room, my fish room.

I have to upload some more pics, and take some.
Todd I really look forward to see where this is going... as you know my 400 show/700 system is also coming together and I still have many of those same apprehensions you mention...
I wouldn't worry too much about setting the tank on 6" of concrete. That should be plenty of support for a 300g display.

As for a fish room, you are going to love it. I have a 12x12 fish room myself and love it. People often think I have a small fish store in my basement.

Good luck on the build. Don't worry too much. Looks like all your ducks are in a row.
I will try not to worry. We did bring in about 15 yards of dry slag and gravel after removing as much water as possible.

I am uploading better pics of the fishroom, frag tank stand and tile work right now.
This is where the tank will go, it divides my fishroom from the game room.


This my entrance to the fishroom once the tank is in place.

A countertop will run the entire length of the far wall and will have a nice deep sink on the right.

And finally the frag tank stand. It is built w/ 9" micro lams and will be tiled to match the floor. The main sump will be under my larger tank and this will drain into it as well.

I will have the stand done this week and will take delivery of the frag tank in a week or so.
I am in Livonia.

I do have a dedicated vent for the heat and humidity. Its up high on the left of the window. You cant see it in the pics.

Pics will come as soon as the frag tank arrives.
Nice to see a local tank build. I grew up in Redford, but spent plenty of time in Livonia. Used to spend a lot of time at Pet Connection during my early reefing days. Where do you get your livestock?