I purchased the 8x54watt Nova Extremes had them for 4 mo. and because of EVERYONE telling me that they lacked the neccessary reflectors, which doesnt make a big difference in comparison to, 2x250 HQI Hamiltons 14K, I purchased the Halides to compare.
Ok I tried both of them and the Halides are more of a on spot strangth with a concentration directed in on ly certain areas and the brightness was NOT as intense as the depth increased.
The T-5's penetrated deeper and covered the tank thoroughly which the halides did not because I would raise them to dissipate across a larger area but the intensity would diminsh.
With the T-5's they were 3" from the surface of hte water and had the tank fully covered and are brighter taking into consideration light out across the ENTIRE tank and not just the center or top half's.
I on hte other hand do agree that there is a POSSIBILITY that the sunlight supply T5's TEK may be brighter due to the design but they will run HOTTER because they lack fans and the output dependency is almost completely allocated to the users bulb preference and usage.
Im sticking with the T5's and gave the lights to a friend which loves them because his tank is only 12" high
Ok I tried both of them and the Halides are more of a on spot strangth with a concentration directed in on ly certain areas and the brightness was NOT as intense as the depth increased.
The T-5's penetrated deeper and covered the tank thoroughly which the halides did not because I would raise them to dissipate across a larger area but the intensity would diminsh.
With the T-5's they were 3" from the surface of hte water and had the tank fully covered and are brighter taking into consideration light out across the ENTIRE tank and not just the center or top half's.
I on hte other hand do agree that there is a POSSIBILITY that the sunlight supply T5's TEK may be brighter due to the design but they will run HOTTER because they lack fans and the output dependency is almost completely allocated to the users bulb preference and usage.
Im sticking with the T5's and gave the lights to a friend which loves them because his tank is only 12" high