My experience with HALIDES vs T-5's


New member
I purchased the 8x54watt Nova Extremes had them for 4 mo. and because of EVERYONE telling me that they lacked the neccessary reflectors, which doesnt make a big difference in comparison to, 2x250 HQI Hamiltons 14K, I purchased the Halides to compare.

Ok I tried both of them and the Halides are more of a on spot strangth with a concentration directed in on ly certain areas and the brightness was NOT as intense as the depth increased.

The T-5's penetrated deeper and covered the tank thoroughly which the halides did not because I would raise them to dissipate across a larger area but the intensity would diminsh.

With the T-5's they were 3" from the surface of hte water and had the tank fully covered and are brighter taking into consideration light out across the ENTIRE tank and not just the center or top half's.

I on hte other hand do agree that there is a POSSIBILITY that the sunlight supply T5's TEK may be brighter due to the design but they will run HOTTER because they lack fans and the output dependency is almost completely allocated to the users bulb preference and usage.

Im sticking with the T5's and gave the lights to a friend which loves them because his tank is only 12" high
any suggestions on the bulb preference for 8x54 watt Tek Hood ?

and if I buy the bulbs I plan on buying them in boxes, anyone know a wholesaler?

Thanks for your response.


Sevan Torossian
I dont get it did you stick with the T5s? Are you saying the T5s are preferential? Your post was not too clear.

This paragraph confused me:

"Im sticking with the T5's and gave the lights to a friend which loves them because his tank is only 12" high"
How did your corals do under halides compare to t5s? My sps has really bright tips and the top side of the branches are intense. But the left/right sides and the base seems to not be brightly colored at all. I was thinking maybe its because halides are a point source light; therefore the top and top sides do well? I was wondering if t5 would give distribute more even light and imporve the colors. Any input?

I have 250 14k halides on a 58g with 2x95vho actinics.
The T5's distribute light evenly not only due to the lenth of the bulbs spanning across the entire tank but the uniformity of the output.

14K Hamilton Double Reefstar Pendants were the ones I purchased, they are great with a hanging kit and cables compact ballasts and very long cords for ease of placement, for gods sake I could put the ballasts outside =).

Now in comparison to the T5's, the Nova fixture itself is wide and on my 90 Gallon standard it leaves 2" of play both sides.

With all this said The Halides DO NOT cover the entire tank as well as the T5's. The Novas distribute the light more evenly. Uniformity is a key issue for me due to the fact tha the tank isnt huge so I dont have too much play in the placement of the corals.

I PREFER THE T5's they are not as strong in the top center of the tank but the area that significant (judged visually) difference between the T5's and Halides is about

20%, in favor of the halides (only in the center top)
40% equal coverage in the middle of the tank,
and 30% stronger intensity in favor of the T5's on 1/3 from either side of the tank.

MY tank 48" long
[ 30% stronger are the T5's...T5's=Halides....Halides 20%stronger....T5's= Halides.....30%stronger are the T5's ]

so the advantage of having T5's over the eniter tank exceeds the Hamilton 250w HQI by over 40%. (judged visually)

The few softies I have (zooz) could not stand the intensity of the light even when placed on the sand below, I had to place them in shaded areas... but the amazing thing is that once the asexually reproduced the new strain was infact accustomed ot the light and flourished in the top half.

I wanted to switch to halides especially HQI's but I could not believe that they were not kicking my eyeballs in like I had hoped although the shimmy shummy was spectacular and my studio looked as though I had a Jacuzzi in it due to the shimmy glare off of the walls.

T5's is what I am sticking too, and although many say they run cooler than Halides, yes they do when using 4 bulb setup but not when theres 8X54 watt producing immense heat.
I find it interesting that you say the halides were more of a 'spotlight'. What reflectors/pendants were you using? Also IME the Hammy 14k isn't a real good bulb in the first place so that may of tainted your experience.

Also how are you comparing intensity at the bottom of the tank, do you have 1/2 the tank covered with your halide and the other 1/2 with your T5's? Are you using a LUX meter or PAR measurement device or is it just a visual comparison (side by side or no?).

Just curious.
The bulbs may have effected my visual perception of brightness or intensity, but the change was acctually done by hanging the lights above the tank (dual pendant reefstar w/hammertone reflectors) and havein ghte T5's directly underneath. I would turn the T5's on wait in the other room walk in and make judgements on varies areas of the tank that had shadows or lack of therof. Than turn them off wait 5 minutes in the dark and go back and take the T5's off and watch the halides after 10 minutes of initial startup.

Should I have waited longer for them to reach full intensity.

But I do have to admit even though our tanks are not coparable the firend tht currently has the Halides is very happy with them and so am I, they are very bright on his tank and exceed his and my expectations for HIS tank.
I will tell you that if you were to change out the reflectors with individual ones, the difference is quite substantial. You will nearly double the light in the tank and that is no lie. With my 6 bulb setup, i had 3 reflectors, each over 2 bulbs. Going to the Icecap reflectors made such a big difference that even my buddy noticed how much brighter it was after the conversion was finished. Do not underestimate good reflectors for T5. Frankly if you think your NOVA puts out more than halide, you will be blown out of the water if you put real reflectors on there. The differnce is night and day my friend.
The biggest problem I've had with my switch to T-5's and sps upgrade is that frags that are comeing from under MH are bleaching under my T-5's. I'm haveing to start new corals out on the sand and gradually work them up.
The biggest problem I've had with my switch to T-5's and sps upgrade is that frags that are comeing from under MH are bleaching under my T-5's. I'm haveing to start new corals out on the sand and gradually work them up.
from which halide,150 watts?175?250 de?250 se?400 se?and post some pictures?

Most comeing out of 250W. The frags I got from atlantis, I'm not sure what lighting they were under other than it was MH. They onlything I haven't had fully rebounded is a ROBA hot pink prostrata, but it's no longer white it's finally got some pink.
Without specific Quantum Meter or LUX Meter measurements, any comparison between various light sources is purely subjective.

I don't think I'd make any decision to go one way or the other without some specific, objective numbers.
I feel you on that weatherman. Unfortunitly there isn't a whole lot of comparison data out there. Hopefully in the next year or so we will get some.
I would advocate everyone who spends a significant amount of money on lighting get a Quantum Meter. They are not particularly expensive, and they provide invaluable objective data to anyone wanting to know what types of lights to use, how they should be positioned, when bulbs should be replaced, and where coral should be placed.
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