My First Flamboyant Cuttlefish!!


New member
Very excited to finally have the opertunity to take care of one of these guys!! They are awesome to watch. Here's a short and a little blurry video I took with my phone of her eating a shrimp.

My setup for taking care of her is the following:

1. 30 gallon cube (Upgrading to Deep Blue 80 gal frag tank, I don't think 30 is big enough)
2. LED 30 watt fixture
3. Filtration is connected to my 40 gallon sump shared by a 45 gal reef and 20 gal frag tank. Contains a refuge with macro algae
4. Skimmer ASM G3
5. Koralin calcium reactor
6. Reefkeeper lite with ph, orp monitors auto fill switches and timers for lights.
7. Substrate black and white aragonite
8. 3 coconut shells (for laying eggs)
9. Feed live shore shrimp 4 to 5 a day (trying frozen shrimp next week)

No tank mates!
Got her at a LFS called Country Critters.

She is awesome!! Trying to get a male so I can hopefully raise some baby's
My setup for taking care of her is the following:

1. 30 gallon cube (Upgrading to Deep Blue 80 gal frag tank, I don't think 30 is big enough)
2. LED 30 watt fixture
3. Filtration is connected to my 40 gallon sump shared by a 45 gal reef and 20 gal frag tank. Contains a refuge with macro algae
4. Skimmer ASM G3
5. Koralin calcium reactor
6. Reefkeeper lite with ph, orp monitors auto fill switches and timers for lights.
7. Substrate black and white aragonite
8. 3 coconut shells (for laying eggs)
9. Feed live shore shrimp 4 to 5 a day (trying frozen shrimp next week)

No tank mates!
Got her at a LFS called Country Critters.

She is awesome!! Trying to get a male so I can hopefully raise some baby's

So jealous. If you do find a male and have babies, you have to start a thread on the progress! Shes so beautiful
awesome walter! I saw those about a month ago but the guy working at the time wouldn't sell any to me. Good luck with it!