My first Kalkwasser Reactor

Another weekend project, a Kalkwasser Reactor. I found 4' of 4" tube for $20.00. Got the 3 - 1/4" sheets for $8.00.

Here is the layout to cut the insert for the tube.



I used Weld-on 16, then I use the Goop as a sealant around the base.


I used PCV for the top with Weld-on 16 and Goop. I press down on the PVC until the tube was about 1" from the top. I will use a sink washer to seal the top.


I drill 1/2" holes and inserted 5/8" tubes in the side for the pump.


The water test failed. I had added more goop to the inside and outside of the 5/8" tubes. I think I caused the problem with I added the pump. I have re-inforced the connections.


Here is the completed reactor. I will be doing another one for a friend, but it will have a few modifications. I will post those later.

Kalkwasser Reactor

Kalkwasser Reactor

by the way, the unit hold 1.3 gallons of water. According to my research, the will support over 200 gallons. I spent approximately $60.00 to do 2 reactors. I checked on the net for prices and the units were 3 times what I spent.


I inserted the tubes from the top. This way I have more surface area to work with and less changes of damaging the 5/8" tubes.

Since I use a sink washer to seal the top, not much pressure is needed to seal the top.

Nice job, if I may suggest something, the outlet tube needs to be very short, if you can it should be flush to the inside part of your cap.
I made the second unit with the pump ports on the top. I like this unit better. I had to drill three hold on the lid and one on the tube. I will test this unit Monday or Tuesday. I hope to install the first on Monday. The leak test was a success. The unit has been on for over 12 hours.

The first unit after 12 hours:

The second unit:



The dose unit will be on a controlled relay circuit.


Pick this unit up at a swap.
I got the tubes and sheets from West Palm Beach Plastics, 1883 Church Street, West Palm Beach, 561-697-0040. I also use the store in Ft. Lauderdale on Prospect and Dixie. Both stores were great help. The one near the excutive airport were not so helpful.
1.3 gallons

1.3 gallons

I put in 1 and 1/3 gallons. The unit has been running since last night. I will drain it tomorrow morning and install it in my system.
kalkwasser mixture

kalkwasser mixture

This morning I added kalkwasser to RO/DI water around 11am. I got home around 5:55 to test the unit.
I am happy to report the device works properly!

Here is a photo of the mixture before the pump is turned on:

Here is the result with the pump on for about a 2 mins.


Here is the result after after 10 mins:


I will work on the refill system this evening or tomorrow morning. I plan to use a timer so that the unit will refill at night and mix all day around 4 times.

Any input would be welcomed.
your patio looks like my closet, buckets tubes, rocks all kinds of stuff. If only i had a garage
dobly, I've been playing around with a similar design for a kalk reactor. I'm having trouble with the threaded cap leaking on mine....are you using teflon tape to seal the threads or have you come up with something better? I don't like the idea of replacing the teflon tape every few weeks when it's time to add more kalk powder.
Jeffbrig, when I inserted the tube in the second unit, I push it just about 1/8" where the threads start. This allowed me to use a 4" o-ring. It worked, but when I removed the top to test it again, I got a small leak. Therefore, I went by to teflon tape. The stuff is not that expensive and I like the assurance of no leaks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8232163#post8232163 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by devindman
Looking good. How much would you charge to build me one?

I don't mind building one for you. Cost, plus $30.