jcopp she is now alone but was with a group for a while. She is alone just for future reference I didn't remove her for any aggression reasons. I like your video! I too will be making one down the road with the help of 00nothing, and his editing/movie skills. Not sure what size tank you have, but if you were to try to add a tankmate this is what I would try. Remove your Undy into a QT or if need be a temporary holding tank; for a period of two weeks. Re-arrange your rockwork in your main while shes gone. Enter your new addition, which will give them some time in the two week time frame to get comfortable. As far as tankmates thats a tough one. Just to list a few: Giant Hawkfish, any fair sized grouper to your liking, French or Queen Angel, Or Trigger bigger than Undy.Like I'd mentioned from my observation only, I would think if the tank was fairly large my Niger could coincide due to his aggressive,bullying,dominant nature. It would be important to give the new addition time to settle, say just for example you put a really aggressive 12" CT in the tank. I would almost guarantee your small Undy would be all over it like white on rice, with little retaliation from the CT. Eventhough the Clown could decimate the Undy from a pound for pound perspective. I've noticed with aggressive fish when going in a display they are moreso timid until they get comfortable and as days go by their attitude grows. As far as the hermit he's a Red-Starry and they get about soft ball sized. If they don't get any uneaten fish food in the tank you'd have to give him the odd portion. Just to keep him from going fish hunting in the night. I'll put a small piece of shrimp on a bamboo skewer and feed him that way; the only time I can do it is while the rest are busy eating.