My Full Tank Shot...

Thanks man... :thumbsup:

Nice to meet you too. I stopped by CRF today... Jeff and Dave are waiting for a shipment on Monday. I hope I don't get there too late and miss the good stuff!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11331088#post11331088 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DRboy14
beautiful tank are you willing to share some equipment shots

Basically... I run a complete Lifereef Berlin system with Calcium reactor and Kalkwasser auto top off. I use Knop Koralith and Zeomag in my reactor... no other additives.

The name labels on the skimmer and ca reactor are for my tank sitter when I'm away... :lol:

Even more pics, the tank looks better and better the more I see of it. I'm glad to see someone appriciating (well, I'm assuming that you're appriciating it since you're not complaining about it) a life-reef setup. I ran a Lifereef VS2-24 skimmer for a while, and man, even with the water level rising and lowering, that thing kept consistent. I was very happy with it, but it's just a different experience than the other types of skimmers out there (needlewheel, beckett, downdraft). Just a solid-as-a-rock skimmer. I bet the calcium reactor is too...

Very very nice tank, and yeah, I too love that closed orange/blue brain, or maze coral.
JFK care to discuss your husbandry and reactor effluent as well as other speficifs.

Your reactor must be hardly working? Not much calcium loving critters that i noticed.

thx in advance for sharing your experiences.
I run my calcium reactor using Knop Koralith... prior to that I used A.R.M... but I found I've had better results with Knop. I also have 10% Zeomag in my reactor. My effluent's PH is around 6.5 coming out of my reactor. I also have an auto top off kalkwasser reactor combo hooked directly to my R/O unit.

My tank maintains it's PH in the range of 7.9 to 8.2. My calcium is on an average at about 380.

Here's an example of growth rates for stony corals in my tank. Here's a little over a years worth of growth on my orange monti.

This frag was 4" when I bought it.

Whew that monti cap looks like it's tearn' a$$ around your tank after just a year. Sweet growth. Geeze. But having more or less it's own calcium reactor and kalkwasser topoffs certainly can't hurt..

Did you get the zeomag locally? I need to find some, as I don't think that the rowa C++ media has any dolomite/mag supplement in it.
Here's another picture of the acro sp growth.

Oh... and BTW... I can't say anything but good about Jeff Turcheck and Lifereef. The proof is in my tank. The service and time he spends with you to get your system right is also valuable to me. How many other products out there, can you get on the phone and discuss your ideas, issues, and concerns with the actual CEO of the company? Probably none.

Another thing is the venturi skimmer. It works... plain and simple. The biggest advantage is that (and I'm sure this has happened to a few of you out there) It can never flood! Living in a high rise condo on the beach, I can appreciate that feature! On more than one occasion I've had my Lifereef skimmer save me from getting my a$$ sued for flooding my neighbors below.

As far as customer care is good to know.
Yes there's plenty of great guys in the equipment world that are very accesible, like GEO, Spazz etc.
Yea Jeff has always had good customer service as far as I've heard, and the venturi is great that it can't overflow. Most skimmers can and do from time to time. The Lifereef just kinda fills the cup with water and then falls back down or something along those lines. It overflowed but stayed contained within itself when I had the VS2-24. Awesome growth of that acro.

No problems having the yellow goby perching on it?

I'm definitely going to hit up some zeomag and/or dolomite sometime soon. Sure beats having to dump in 2 gallons of Kent tech-M...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11334336#post11334336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak

No problems having the yellow goby perching on it?

I'm definitely going to hit up some zeomag and/or dolomite sometime soon. Sure beats having to dump in 2 gallons of Kent tech-M...

The goby definitely keeps the acro from fully extending it's polyps like in the prior pictures... and this acro has some serious polyp extension. Other than that, it still is growing ok.

Zeomag is great stuff... I started using it after it was reccomended to me by Boomer.
Check out the growth on this green monti frag. I got it from Dave at CRF... it's from his personal display tank.

This is three weeks growth! Notice the sharp cut edges are gone. Not too shabby...



This is a frag I took from my mother colony at the same time as the frag above.



Monti's love my tank... :lol:
Very nice. I've got a nice purple with purple rim with bright yellow polyps if you want to bring some other color to your monti palette.

It's also funny that you've got brown/red and green monti in the same tank. I guess it's just my weird experience, but I've got a huge monti colony in one tank, but when I moved frags from that tank to my 120, they turned neon green like yours. that's cool though. I like your red/brown more than my just brown.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11337708#post11337708 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Very nice. I've got a nice purple with purple rim with bright yellow polyps if you want to bring some other color to your monti palette.

It's also funny that you've got brown/red and green monti in the same tank. I guess it's just my weird experience, but I've got a huge monti colony in one tank, but when I moved frags from that tank to my 120, they turned neon green like yours. that's cool though. I like your red/brown more than my just brown.

I'd be glad to trade you my orange frag for a frag of your purple. Let me know...