My Glassboxreef

Does Chemiclean solve the cyano problem once and for all, or do you have to use it everytime cyano appear?

Chemi clean is just a band aid , you need to take care of the issue that's causing it .

No matter what people say about nutrient balances and ratios, sometimes cyano just appears and sometimes it appears because of too much po4 or too much n or too little.. or a dirty ro unit.. or dirty air.. or too little flow.... I really don't think that anyone could look at a system, do all the tests and predict it's arrival..
But once cyano does appear, it has many effects in a system. For one, it can completely mislead the owner about nutrient issues by skewing test results when binding nutrients. And once it has bound all the nutrients, it can starve other algae and or coral. All while creating a comfy little home for itself.
The only time I ever get cyano is when my nutrients are dropping.. when they have been high, my system is at its most algae free it seems.. I have cyano now in my system.. only appeared once n got below 1ppm and p remained high.. now that I am dosing n and LC to help reduce p, I plan on dosing some chemi clean myself..
As I've said before, I have watched cyano appear in wonderfully balanced systems where nutrient are low and corals and cheato are thriving. When cyano appears, cheato often suffers and suddenly the whole system gets out of whack.. treating with cyano killing products when you have systems in place to take up nutrient slack, isn't (I don't think) doing a bandaid treatment. It's altering the nutrient/element and micro faunal landscape to promote the health of the fuge and corals so that they can establish a balance instead of the cyano..
It's pretty near impossible to set up a healthy fuge when cyano has taken hold because it is binding nutrients and probably minerals as well.. it's often tough to do anything to rid a system without resorting to extreme nutrient stripping and lights out protocols which imo are way more detrimental to the system than adding a benign chemical to kill the cyano..
Brandon has a ton of biological media, an algae fuge and a good skimmer... there is a solid probability that once the cyano is killed off, his systems will be more effective at attaining a balance- cyano free..
This is the goal anyways and not always the outcome, I know..
Samm, sometimes (I know.. not always) treating with chemi clean or rsr IS treating the issue causing the cyano.. but not always.. it is most certainly not ALWAYS only a bandaid. But yes sometimes it is if no attempt is made to alter the system which caused caused the cyan in the first place.
Bulent, these products will not eradicate cyano from a system but they will kill it off, allowing a new regimen or filtration method or a maturing system to take over..
Sometimes it comes back, though..
Great stuff guys. My tank is already on the mends. My frag tank is looking good for the first time in months. I hope this was the silver bullet I needed it to be. Seemingly all cyano is gone and in the morning I'll run carbon and then start dialing my skimmer back in. It will have had 36 hours to work in my system. Everything in my system is looking better. Now I'll move onto removing the aiptasia that has taken over my frag tank. I have to scrape the acrylic because corraline is taking hold. I am kicking around the idea of changing out my frag tank for two separate smaller tank because I really miss my bubble tip nems.
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Now let’s hope it stays away!
The wcs will not only help with removing the product, it’ll also help with replenishing trace elements that the cheato will appreciate.
Sunday I changed 70 gallons of water and started carbon. Monday I started dialing my skimmer back and dosing microbacter7. Everything is looking great.

It also looks like my cheato is out competing the green hair algae that used to take over the top layer. I hope this trend continues.

My frag tank is actually starting to look like a tank again.
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Chemi clean really helped big time. Colors are already coming back and bases are starting to spread. Top downs are the best.
Thanks guys. Alk is dropping and everything is lookin a thousand times better since dosing chemi clean. I don't know what it changed in my system besides the cyanobacteria but wow. My cheato is growing great but I'm still getting a mat of green hair algae on top of it though.

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I snapped a crappy picture with my phone down in my frag tank as the colors are just starting to come around. I also tested my nitrates and they are between 5 and 10.

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I'm real happy with the way everything is progressing with my system. Chemi clean is amazing. I am no longer dosing vinegar as I don't need it with my cheato growing. Nitrates around between 5 and 10 but I am horrible at the color chart below that with salifert. Maybe I'll try the red sea kit to see if I can find a more exact number. I haven't tested po4 lately but it was .03 Color is great and returning to everything but the growth is what is incredible right now. I'm planning on bringing my kalkwasser online because I've never used it and want to incorporate it before the demand gets to high. I'm keeping my alk above 7 and shooting for 7.8 roughly.

This past weekend my local saltwater hobbyists club put on our biannual fragswap. I got to chat up Jason fox during setup. He's a real nice guy with some amazing coral but most is to expensive for me right now. I did get a nice piece of his punk anacapora though. I also picked up JF barney and RR angry birds from another vender in a trade. I was upset because the angry birds rtned over night but I knew it was going to happen as it only had an ounce of two of water in the bag. It got cold. I floated it for an hour before dipping. Oh well love and learn. I wasn't thinking when he handed me the bag.
Here's the only good picture I snapped tonight. Is Jason fox pink anacapora.

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:inlove: :inlove:

I'm soooo jealous!! haha anacropora is super high on my dream list and the ones that JF has are gorgeous!!

Glad to hear the tank is cranking along so well too! Pity about the Angry Birds as that's such a gorgeous piece!