My home SPS reef [175G/800l]

Amazing colors pawel,welldone:beer:
May i beg for one FTS pic and some info regarding your routines in the new tank?:o:o

Thank you glaukos.
I still can't decide what type of filtration to use in this tank but the rest of the routine stays the same. 10% weekly WC, cleaning the skimmer cup every 2-3 days etc.

Amazing as usual, pawel!

Incredible! Beautiful pictures and close-ups of your corals.


Thank you.

Wow, love the pigmentation on this coral:

What is your current T5 combo please? And how long are you running the main light cycle? Thanks.

I've recently added 2 fixtures 4 bulbs 54W each so for the last 5 days I have 14 bulbs on each side of the tank (28 bulbs total). The current bulb config:

back of the tank 4x54W:
1 Blue +
2 Coral +
3 KZ Fiji

front of the tank 10x54W:
1 Blue +
3 FM Royal
5 ATI Blue +
7 KZ Fiji
8 FM Royal
9 Coral +
10 Blue +

Two (four in two lamps) of the FM Royal blue are on for 12h/day, the rest is on for 8h/day.

Amazing tank. Those coral colors are insane!

Good to hear the move went well! can't wait for the fts

I agree very beautiful in or out of the tank.

Thank you all again.
Since it's 3 months of my new tank I've made a short video. Hope you enjoy.

Pawel the new tank is already amazing!Great vid
It won't be long before the corals take over this one too:beer:
BigJohnny - I feed my corals every 2-3 days with different kind (or mix) of coral food: mixed frozen cubes, dry reefpears and liquid Aquaforest "Coral E" food

glaukos, reefmut - Thank you, I'm very happy you like it.
Wow! Very nice. What a clean setup you have. Once these corals start filling in a little, this tank will be off the charts! :thumbsup:
Lovely corals and lovely colours.

I struggle to maintain pink colours. Other coral colours, including blues, greens, oranges and purples, seem to be fine. I do not think the light is an issue (8 X 39W ATI Power module with all ATI bulbs- 3 B+, 2 C+, 1 Actinic, 1 ABS, 1 P+).

Have you got any suggestions to improve pink coloration please? Note that I dose moderate amount of a Potassium supplement (Fauna Marin Ultra Easy K) every ten days. I dose it moderately because I am not able to test potassium at the moment. I am still waiting for Salifert to be on sale again (hopefully soon).
I love the aquascape. Are the pumps positioned so that the detritus forms a pile that you can siphon it out or does it get suspended and go out the overflow?
Looking good! it's amazing how the same corals packed your last tank but haven't even started to fill in the space in this tank.
Thank you all.
I can't give you any advice on pink.. My K+ according to salifert is around 360-370 so probably it's not the main issue - low NO3/PO4, high flow, intense light should me enough in my opinion.
To be honest the flow in my tank is so high that there are no places where detritus can settle down - it's getting me crazy because there are many "dust" particles in the water column and it looks ugly to me.

For the past few months I was switching from one type of filtration to another (biopelles/zeovit/berlin style):) but some time ago I've decided to give Aquaforest brand a chance in my tank. So far it all looks good - below you will find some today's top downs I've made during WC.
