my house reef (211 g.)

Hi all,

I've read large chunks of this thread but due to time constraints have had to jump to the end....

I have two questions:

1. What is preferred online vendor for Prodobio within USA?

2. Has anyone expermimented with the Elos Purist line, described as a "refined version of Zeo?" It is also very expensive...

to be honest i have went back to basics and feed the tank with pappone food and have been much happier and have some extra cash in my pockets.
Yeah, I have been much happier since switching off the prodibio. I use pappone now and it rocks!. I made a 4 year supply for only 40 dollars!
This has always been my dream tank. Any updates?

I went thru all 70 pages and not once did iwan post a picture of his equipment. :(
If you go over to and do a user search on iwan, you can see his new tank, which is even more amazing than this one.

He now uses a hybrid bacteria-driven system which includes prodibio + zeovit basic 4 + "coral dust" which I suspect may be something like Coral Frenzy but I'm not sure.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11740885#post11740885 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Canarygirl
If you go over to and do a user search on iwan, you can see his new tank, which is even more amazing than this one.

He now uses a hybrid bacteria-driven system which includes prodibio + zeovit basic 4 + "coral dust" which I suspect may be something like Coral Frenzy but I'm not sure.

I don't know what iwan is trying to hide but I can't find any equipment pics anywhere.

Very strange.
Hello iwan / everyone, i had been reading all of this amazing thread but i never see the equipment of this amazing tank ? Did anyone can show me the sump/equiepment picture of iwan laesser tank ? i am very curious how his system work in the sump ?

thanks iwan / everyone