my house reef (211 g.)

If using the biodigest and biotim for a month or so without reefbooster cause problems. all water paramiters are good but a couple of things have had poor PE the last couple of weeks. I havent dosed reefbooster for over a month. My superman was getting rtn today and my stilo hasnt been looking real good. i was afraid of dosing it because of cyno.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8868462#post8868462 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by messy1messmer
If using the biodigest and biotim for a month or so without reefbooster cause problems. all water paramiters are good but a couple of things have had poor PE the last couple of weeks. I havent dosed reefbooster for over a month. My superman was getting rtn today and my stilo hasnt been looking real good. i was afraid of dosing it because of cyno.

Hi steve

sorry to hear that -

What are your ca/mg/dkh/ph/ no3/po4 levels? Are these steady? Any fluctuations in heat or salinity? Dosed anything else? Changed the lighting?

A couple of thoughts:

1) If DKH is outside the range of 6-8 - this could be a factor in the stn.

2) The first signs of nutrient limitation in my experience are fading going on bleaching. Answer dose with Booster or Amino acids.

Cyno is less worse than starving corals IMHO, and cyno is only a risk rather than a probability, and there again only cosmetic.


I don't get it , I dosed 1/2 a vial of reefbooster once 2 weeks ago with o nitrites and phosphates and I get an algae bloom.What should I do ?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8869701#post8869701 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TryTheChi
Hi steve

sorry to hear that -

What are your ca/mg/dkh/ph/ no3/po4 levels? Are these steady? Any fluctuations in heat or salinity? Dosed anything else? Changed the lighting?

A couple of thoughts:

1) If DKH is outside the range of 6-8 - this could be a factor in the stn.

2) The first signs of nutrient limitation in my experience are fading going on bleaching. Answer dose with Booster or Amino acids.

Cyno is less worse than starving corals IMHO, and cyno is only a risk rather than a probability, and there again only cosmetic.



Update. my stilo is looking better today already. I did dose reefbooster last night before bed. My superman did rtn a little more but slowed down. i shoudnt dose anthor RB should i or wait till next sunday. All water paramitors have stayed constant. dkh 8 cacl. 488 nitrates 0 phos 0
Well i just bought a 240g. besides the responce i missed about reef booster, what do you think about T5 on a 8x2x2 tank. i could use the 8x54 whats and add another 8.
I found a place that can get me those KZ bulbs but i was wondering what combo. i want a sun and a couple blues and what else do you suggest or what complete combe do you suggest with those bulbs. i will have 16X54 watt bulbs
Thanks Steve
Just to have you guys sympathetic for what I will say: Sincce Monday I started the Iwan's thread....yeah from the very beggining, I went to the second part yesterday. Since Monday I ordered my Prodibio kit, and just today while I am reading this thread I realezed that Iwan just switched to pure Zeo!!
What is going on?

I thought that one of the reasons for Iwan to use Prodibio is the price compared to Zeo products, I just do not get it. How do you guyss say in the USA? If Aint broken why fix it? Can anybody tell me?

TryThe Chi, are you still a Prodibio user?

personally i think its a matter of reading between the lines. Since he set up the new tank he wont respond on here at all. On his new thread he wont answer a prodibio question(only zeo). The way i look at it is you only answer zeo questions and not prodibio ones because he told not to by someone or some company.

Stick with the product. I like it better then the zeo system. I believe this to go wrong and there is less dosing. every 2 weeks and 1 week on reefbooster compared to zeo which is every day.

TryThe Chi i think has switched to zeo. At least i see him on zeo site alot.
Got the message, I will continue with this method, if worked for Iwan one time for long time, I can only assume Zeo is sponsoring him. Both methods can achieve great resuts, but prices on zeo products (particularly here in Mexico) are outrageous.

Thanks messy1messmer