My how things have changed, help an old reefer

Jeremy Blaze

Former Reef Addict
Left the hobby in 2012. T5's were hot, MSX Skimmers were the thing.... Now looking to get back into it, and I can't find much stuff. What suppliers are good? What is everyone using now? Can't find hardly any lighting stuff other than $1000 t5 and LED's. Not much budget stuff. Back in my day, I used a lot of Blueline ballasts and XM 20k bulbs. I did some t5 retros with those awesome clip on reflectors. Now I just keep finding high dollar fixtures than need apps to operate.
I liked Premium Aquatics for most things back in the day, but agreed, prices today are gasp-inducing, not least of all electricity costs. If I were to start today, I'd go small and simple- nothing larger than a 50-75g, and I'd probably still do MH, maybe a single 175W, and Eheim pumps. 'Yep, the old stuff worked, and still would, in my view. Good luck!
Jeremy, I'm still running 175w MH. But good luck finding bulbs, ballasts and fixtures at a decent price these days since everyone is moving to LED. I was fortunate to found the following (all brand new) a year ago or longer. I believe as time goes on, T5 bulbs are also going to be harder to find.

(8) Iwasaki 10K
(8) Aqua Connect 11K
(8) Coralvue Reeflux 12K
(4) Coralvue Electronic Ballasts
(2) Coralvue Pendants

The Coralvue items were on Coralvue's (when they had it) eBay Outlet Store. The Iwasakis and Aqua Connects, I found on two different websites (respectively) in their closeout sections.

Today, the only one (that I'm aware of) still manufacturing 175w MH for reef tanks is Ushio. But, I know there was talk a while back that they were going to discontinue manufacturing those as well. They may have already done so because the last place I saw them was on PA's website and looking just now, PA no longer has them. PA does have ballasts and pendent still available though.

As for the Reeflux bulbs, there's a guy on eBay that I believe bought out the last of the bunch from Coralvue's eBay store. If he got the same deal I did ($15 each) he's now selling then for $62.95 for the 175s and $79.95 for the 250s.

So, once I upgrade my tank, I will have 2 pendants, 2 active ballasts, 2 backup ballasts and enough bulbs to last me around 10-12 years. After that, assuming I'm still in the hobby, I'll likely have to look to LEDs.

After typing all ^ that, I just looked on BRS' website. They have Reef Bright MH/LED Hybrid Pendants, Reef Bright Ballasts (150/175, 250 and 400 watt) and 250w Radiums still listed for sale.
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I liked Premium Aquatics for most things back in the day, but agreed, prices today are gasp-inducing, not least of all electricity costs. If I were to start today, I'd go small and simple- nothing larger than a 50-75g, and I'd probably still do MH, maybe a single 175W, and Eheim pumps. 'Yep, the old stuff worked, and still would, in my view. Good luck!
I just picked up a 35 gallon cube. @0x20x20. Not sure if I want to invest into making it a reef just yet. I feel I'd be much better off going with a 75-90 gallon, but with MH pretty much dead, IDK. I may be better off avoiding salt again after all!

After typing all ^ that, I just looked on BRS' website. They have Reef Bright MH/LED Hybrid Pendants, Reef Bright Ballasts (150/175, 250 and 400 watt) and 250w Radiums still listed for sale.

Looked at the site, looks like they are clearing out old stock. Not 150/175 ballasts left, not 250 bulbs, so, pieces, but not enough to make a functioning set up
I have to agree MH is getting harder and harder to find. When my halides need to be changed, I’m likely going to switch to LED. I’m strongly looking at the ReefFi Uno
Welcome back! I see your tag is "Former Reef Addict" Hopefully the therapy that helped you break your addiction doesn't hold much longer. :D

Things certainly have changed a lot! And in some ways haven't changed much at all as there's still a lot of hype for stuff that isn't needed. I'd urge you to prioritze simplicity and redundancy. It doesn't matter how much equipment you have there's stuff in the water that can only be removed with water changes.

There's lots of inexpensive LEDs on amazon and walmart and they'll do just fine for growing corals. You can build you own also and finding DIY plans shouldn't be too hard. (Here's a link to my DIY 45W 3500 PAR cannon LED)

Our understanding of what's happening in reef systems has expanded siginificantly over the years. Much of the research is now focused on the roles of the various Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) stuff and identifying microbial stuff with 16S DNA testing. Stuff that's, unfortunately, way out of our league but critical as both are primary factors in coral health. But I think one important takeaway is water changes are the best way we can help corals moderate the microbial prcesses they need to survive. Here's some links:

"Coral Reefs in the Microbial Seas" This video compliments Rohwer's book of the same title (Paper back is ~$20, Kindle is ~$10), both deal with the conflicting roles of the different types of DOC in reef ecosystems. While there is overlap bewteen his book and the video both have information not covered by the other and together give a broader view of the complex relationships found in reef ecosystems

Changing Seas - Mysterious Microbes

Microbial view of Coral Decline

Nitrogen cycling in hte coral holobiont

BActeria and Sponges

Maintenance of Coral Reef Health (refferences at the end)
Maintenance of Coral Reef Health

Optical Feedback Loop in Colorful Coral Bleaching
Optical Feedback Loop in Colorful Coral Bleaching / Curr. Biol., May 21, 2020 (Vol. 30, Issue 13)

DNA Sequencing and the Reef Tank Microbiome
Aquabiomics: DNA Sequencing and the Reef Tank Microbiome

Richard Ross What's up with phosphate"
What's up with phosphate? by Richard Ross | MACNA 2014

15 Answers
How 15 Answers Changed the Way I Look at My Tank Forever! 10 Months of Biome Cycling 12 Aquariums.
Welcome back. How big of a tank do you want to illuminate? If you want budget leds with simple on/off then you can check out these guys:

The Awesome 18" sBox Reef LED Light for your Saltwater Aquarium.

I know @JCOLE uses and likes them.

I personally just use horticulture T5 fixtures from amazon. No need for an ATI fixture.

@Jeremy Blaze
This ^ if you want to save some money and still grow corals. I have 8 black boxes with the SBREEF retro boards, and they work very well. I also have them paired with 4 400W 20K Radiums, so I am sure that helps as well.

If you already have some black boxes, then the retro boards are a good option. If not, then I have heard good things about their new Rolan model.
