My loss is your gain! 120G complete reef setup for sale

The main reason this setup is so cheap is I need to get this tank out of my apt asap so i can take care or the mold issue. Let me state again I don't have the time or energy to piece this out, if i was in good health i would.

Would it possible to come look at it?
Yeah it's your old tank. If anyone wants to cOme look at the tank, I'll be available at 7:00
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sorry for the quality of pics, no white balance on iphone. These pics don't do the tank justice!
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I have seen this tank and it is very impressive, it is an absolute steal for 800 if I wasn't on the 3rd floor I would totally get in on this tank! Someone looking for a new tank need not look any further.
There are a few pieces I want SOOOO bad!
Found out the main reason I have mold, I'm always having to run my AC unit because the heat of my lights and the size of my apt so you would think that would suck the moisture out. I should have noticed this before but I just thought I stumbled upon some awesome brand of Air Filters, because for the whole year I've been in my apt the filter looks almost new. So I tried to see if the air return would even suck a piece of tissue paper to it and it wouldn't. Didn't have much time to thoroughly check it out, but I took a flashlight and opened up the air return and it appears to go nowhere, a dummy return.
Oh yeah this mold sickness is no joke, I can't have any sugars, carbs, coffee, alcohol (candida diet), I have to take ammonia baths also. Waiting for the lab results to see if the mold contains any Stachybotrys, or Chaetomium.