My Marineland 250 Gallon Built Thread

Dude let me tell you, i will never do this again, do a tear down and upgrade you have to have everything time just right. Yesterday i took down the 150gal
i started transfering water and coral to my agrimaster 150 tub that i purchased from a fellow member, the only problem was that it was already
plumbed, that's where the probelm started. I had to run to farm and fleet and purchased a new one because the old bulkheads was leaking. i didn't want to take any chances.

i got that taken care of and transfered everything over. it took me time to clean out the old tank with a deep sand bed, which i will never do again. i had my fellow officers help me move it out to the garage. I then finished the night cleaning up my mess and installing a GfI socket for the new tank.

This morning i had a new group of Officers come over and put the stand in place, this monster is heavy, i built it like a tank. At first i thought
maybe i wouldn't be able to get it thru the door, but i had a brain fart and my next door neighbor help me figure it out, without tearing up anything.

I installed the light fixture with the bulbs i got from you this fixture is very heavy. I will post photo as soon as my back stop hurting!!! but it is worth the pain. Back to the Bears.
here's some photos of my custom sump and external pump assembly.




after tearing the 150gal here's a photo of the new tub i memtion earlier with live rock and coral




photo tomorrow showing finished stand and t-5 fixture installed
Finally got the stand and the tank inside so now this weekend i will plumb it and add the water fish and coral. im posting photo's i noticed that i have to remove the front doors and add more stain.

These are nice tanks but man they are heavy!!!


Debbie and Mark hopefully by this weekend, went to home depot and they have the supplies that i'm looking for, going to be using pvc and spa flex hose to plumb it with.
the sump is 42x16x16 the protein section 18x 16 in case i upgrade to a larger one.

