My Marineland 250 Gallon Built Thread

Mark I'm waiting for the new Apollo fixtures then maybe i can make a decision. Did you go to Macna?

Unfortunately my plans changed and could not go to MACNA. I am happy with my Apollo LED, are you waiting for the new dimmable fixtures in new casing?
Any updates really itching to build a 250 dd myself

The marineland tanks are nice i'm glad i purchase one, im planning by december to convert over to LEDS. i'm waiting on the new apollo reef systems
to decide it's so hard because of all the new systems out their, but will keep you posted.
Do you like your SRO 5000sss? I'm setting up a 220 marineland tank, drilled by reefingandrunning. I'm going to use my Reef Octopus 8″ Pinwheel Skimmer that I have and upgrade the pump to the BB3000 or should I save the money and upgrade to the sro5000. Our tanks are about the same size, so do you think I can be ok with the Reef Octopus 8'' or be better off getting yours?
i really like the sss5000 being a space sump saver it fits perfect. i think it depends on the bio-load that you would have. i have about 13 fish tangs, triggers and two angels and a couple of wrasses.
Thank you. Right now I have 15 fish, 5 wrasses, 2 tangs, fire fish, Lyretail Anthias, Clarkii Clownfish, 4 Ocellaris Clownfish, and a very big Foxface. Would this be a heavy fish load for 220?
Love the tank. I am very close to buying the DD 250 or the DD300 depending on location in the house. Although the extra foot would be nice to have for some tangs, I like the squatty look of the 250. What do you think. My only other concern is the center brace. Does it cast any shadows?
I was debating between a 250 and 300 as well for a long time. I saw both in action and loved both but went with the 300 and have never looked back. That extra foot makes a huge difference depending on what type of fish you want to keep.
I really love the way you arranged the rock. Excellent use of the depth. Now I am going to go goof up my tank trying to recreate that feel! I laughed when you were talking about the transfer to the new tank. I have done it a couple times now, and I feel exactly the same way. Everybody makes it sound fun, and exciting. I find that nothing ever goes smoothly, and it's dirty, wet work. I always say "I'll never do that again" too. We'll see. LOL. Are you using vortechs for water movement? thanks