My Moonlight Setup (lots of pics)

I believe it is out the inhabitants viewable spectrum, if I am wrong someone please correct me. Something about natural selection, and red light being the first to be filtered out in the reef environment.


Hey tomason,

I think the deal with red light is most of the animlas in our tanks can't see red light so it looks dark to them.

you said that everything was designed for computers..but where is that bulb designed for computers...I think im misunderstanging you..
The kits for sale here are designed and sold for custom computer applications. This doesnt mean you cant use them in an aquarium setting of course. Unless I misunderstood you question.

Hope this helps.

How many feet will 1 12" light up? I have a 5' tank, will 2 be enough?

Can someone touch basis ont he moon simulator apllication? Is this s device that I can use to control the moon phases? Or is it a computer application?

Im going to have to get a couple of these!

I'm banking on two of them to light my tank, I have a 5ftr as well.

I think the moonlight simulator can be as sophisticated as you'd like to make it - from a simple dimmer switch (manual) to a microcontroller (fully automated).

I would like to know about running it fully automated as well. Very interesting concept.

I bought 2 of the blue bulbs for moonlight and 2 of the red bulbs for night viewing.

A simple flip of the switch and VOILA, no more flashlight with a red lense to peek at the tank at night! :lol:

I'm putting a toggle switch between the red/blue lights so they will run from the same power supply.
do you have pics on where you drilled your hood for the wires.

I am thinking of rewiring my hood. i want one fan to come one with the PC's and the other when the halides powerup.

i habe two CSL moonlights i want to mount.... also

any pics of where you drilled would be great...
StandrdDev said:
The kits are designed and sold for custom computer applications. This doesnt mean you cant use them in an aquarium setting of course.

but where on a computer were these designed for..ive never seen anything like that in any of the computers ive ever worked on before
but where on a computer were these designed for..ive never seen anything like that in any of the computers ive ever worked on before

Mmm, I was wondering the same thing, maybe for those "low rider" computers.....

Are these bulbs simply "plug and play" or is some custom wiring required?

I like the idea of the "low rider"computer..but I was thinking it was something from the fast and the furious,maybe a computer in one of their cars
One of the new things is putting these lights inside your computer. Many of the new custom cases have one side that's made out of a clear plastic, so you can see inside. You put the lights inside the computer and ahhhhhh it looks cooool!
ok now I understand...I have a new computer and its a gateway but there are no lights inside of gonna have to call gateway and complain and tell them I want my money back cause I didnt get a "moonlight"....oops I mean my computer light...LOL :D
One of the big rages among computer geeks is to have a custom-made/designed case with lots of bells and whistles. Here's an example from MaximumPC (a magazine) of their "Rig of the Month." It's analagous to our Tank of the Month:

<img src="">
After reading this thread I loved the setup and ran right out and got myself the same setup, it's awesome and cheap. I put the same 2 bulb setup on my 90 gal. and looks great.
Thanks for the great ideas, this site is awesome!!