My Moonlight Setup (lots of pics)

They are dimmable!!!

They are dimmable!!!

OK I just hooked up two blues on my 180. It's very bright, much more so than my (2) 25 watt blue bulbs were. I hooked them up to a dimmer and was able to dim them down with no real problem. Hooked it up to my aquacontroller and it was able to dim them as well!!!!

The blue is a very deep blue, it actually makes a lot of my corals fluoresce so it look very nice. The only thing I don't like is the amount of light might be too much. I have two 12" tubes over my 6' 180 gal tank. Maybe I'll put the dimmer on it to halt the power at something like 75%.

But it looks really really nice.
Putting a dimmer on top of the dimmer with the AQ2 didn't work the lights started to flicker. But it seemed to dim fine with just the AQ2 dimming it. Two are a little too much light, I'll play around with just one tomorrow and see how that looks.

But here's a pic with the two on my tank, not full power (dimmed by my aquacontroller), but probably at 80%.

After looking at your pictures I feel like a kid 2 days before Christmas!

Gorgeous tank Joe! Really like your rockwork!

6 incher...

6 incher...

I bought mine 3 weeks ago from Walmart...

It is 6" in lenght for less than 10 bucks with a 12 volt lighter adaptor.

works for a nano.... I have a 20 HI
After looking at your pictures I feel like a kid 2 days before Christmas!

Gorgeous tank Joe! Really like your rockwork!

just ordered mine. dude you ought to get commission for this.

just ordered mine. dude you ought to get commission for this.

how did you mount it. Are there clips or something? will it break easy
Oh man.... this is bad....

MORE TOYS!!!! Not good guys, not good. But hell, what's another $45?? I mean a halide bulb is $90, why not get a whole other set of lights for $45!!! ;) It looks real good on JBNYs tank though, I'm impressed. Hmm, maybe I should get 2 blues and 2 reds, with the reds for night time viewing and the 2 blues to simulate the moonlight. Then I can also get a fully automated moonlight controller... And another computer to control everything... Oh and of course don't forget the dimmers... and... ;)
On the band wagon.

On the band wagon.

I've been running two blue incandescent bulbs on a Solar 1000 dimmer simulating the cycles of the moon, but this is way more elegant so I can't resist trying it. I just ordered a two bulb blue kit from and will be sure to post pictures when it's up and running. If this thing works I will be so psyched!! Think of the color options, WOW :D



Very very cool..

The thought had crossed my mind to use these lights a couple of months ago. Although I wasn't sure how it would look.

I'm glad someone took the plunge and decided to see for themselves.

They look AWESOME!

Chalk another DIY up on the board for me...
Geez, my list is getting long! :rolleyes:


Vpham97 said:
Do you have a picture of the packaging? What department is it in? I presume the lightning section?

Well actually, you can find it in the auto/car section. Where all the speakers and car stereos are. They usually being used to be connected to amps so that the light will beat with the sound.

Caution, that these are 12Volts, you need a power adaptor/converter or something to supply it with 12 volts. Luckily I have a car bettery besides my tank to supply the UPS for my circulation pumps.

And you have to consider the price of the light plus the power supply. Maybe you can find some cheaper alternative like JMLESQ earlier noted.




I want to add that the solor temperature of these blue bulbs are low enough to make my corals glow in the dark. Not as strong and as deep blue as actinic but blue enought for them to glow.
Thanks everyone!!

Can't even describe how gratifying it is to have everyone like my setup. I've learned SO MUCH here and it's really nice to be able to give something back. :D

David, you sent me an e-mail but, for some reason, there is no reply address. Please send again or PM me.

Tanks John for the encouragement by the pics to get me going on this. Mine will be here on Moday. I'll post pics when it's up and running.:beer:
I ordered right in the begining of this thread. I accidently only ordered a bulb:rolleyes: , so Im going to head over to CompUsa for a new set. They have one for $19.00.

Correction. I don't think they are dimmable. Or rather the lights seem to dim ok, the transformer doesn't seem to react well to dimming. Mine just cut out on me. Could be a bad transformer, but I think I blew it with the dimming. Play with dimming at your own risk :(

Maybe radio shack sell transformers that will work, I'll check tomorrow.
i notice these lights connect to a computer power supply, how do you splice into them a power cord for the wall? just cut an extension cord? please help me before I shock the heck outta myself.:lol:

MauiReefer said:
how do you splice into them a power cord for the wall? just cut an extension cord? please help me before I shock the heck outta myself.:lol:

MR, DO NOT splice them in directly.
The adaptor shown, reduces down to 12v, so I'm thinking that's what is required. If you tapped them into 110v, you probably WILL "shock the heck outta yourself"...and that ain't no joke!!!