My Moonlight Setup (lots of pics)

Dayane - were do you get these rope lights? What are the available lengths, can you send me to a website wityh a picture of them?

Nathan, I agree, for me it needs to be dimmable too. I run the moonlight sim off my aquacontroller using an X-10 modual. Right now I don't have the CCL lights hooked up as it's too bright by itself and I can't dim it, so I'm still running the incandescent blue bulbs. I'll see what happens after I get the dimmable 12VDC transformer. I really like the light from the CCL though, so I'd like to see if it can be done.


blgreef said:
Just a note on these lights.
The tube itself runs at a considerable voltage 180 -1000v as such these kits are supplied with a DC inverter that takes a DC feed and then steps it up to 180-1000v ac. Hence the 12v requirement etc.

That answer my question why i felt a big jolt when I accidentally touched one of the open wires.... Big OOOPS
About the rope lights, can these things take the heat? I envision a set of xmas lights sealed inside clear flex pvc and worry the pastic could melt with the intense heat from my lights....

To me, these sound like a better option as the light source will be more spread out.

THe light from the blue rope lights is awesome.. go buy one from Home Depot or Walmart and see for yourself. If you dont like it take it back. Were only talking about 10-12 bucks here for an 18' strand. you can add on to em and they are used for Outdoors. Can be dimmed.
I can compare to blue cathode as well. I have one in my PC.
That is too long for me too. On my 120 I would have to make 2+ loops around the hood to take it all up. What about the heat, can they take the heat without melting?
I'm pretty sure that you can cut the rope lights to the length you want. As far as the heat, Baalz and Dwayne have been using them for some time with no ill effects and they both use MH lighting.

I'm gonna jump on the ropelight bandwagon and go get some! ;)

FWIW, Nathan
ive seen them at walmart in 2 ft to 18 ft lengths..but im not sure if they can be resized or not..they have a special housing at the end so you can snap another length onto it..they range from $6-$15..pretty good price...if you buy one and dont want it for the fish tank anymore you can use it around your house, for many purposes...
justletmein said:
Do you think that's too much light? I've got a little 7 watt bulb in a porcelin light socket that I think is about right. I had a 14 watt (I think, maybe 15) that was way too bright for me, but it still didn't look anything like yours. For moonlight are we supposed to have that much light?

I had those same 14w bulbs and I switched to the 7w bulbs too because they were too bright. I have 2 bulbs on my 180g. I noticed the 14w bulbs had the color inside the bulb and it seemed to burn out and become white. The 7w bulbs have the color on the outside and they stay blue.

Have you ever tried any of the other colors like green or red?


any more info on these rope lights, do they still make corals flouresce like the cold cathode tubes do?
do you guys reckon they strong enough to penetrate a 30 inch deep tank??

Ill have to try and find the equivalent of Wal mart here in Australia and test them out

where's the kaboom... where's the earth shattering kaboom?

Tell me or I'll have no choice but to disintigrate you...


Avid Marvin fan here.
Re: ropelights

Re: ropelights

thedoood said:
any more info on these rope lights, do they still make corals flouresce like the cold cathode tubes do?
do you guys reckon they strong enough to penetrate a 30 inch deep tank??

Ill have to try and find the equivalent of Wal mart here in Australia and test them out

Yeah, I'd like to know too.


I'm another convert of Dwayne's Rotipod, Ropelights, and 10k recipe for sucessful reeftanks. :beer: I've been running 2 x 250 MH over a 3' 65g with ropelights coiled in the top of the hood, no melting. Sticker on my ropelights even warned to place these away from things that are damaged by heat , they get hot. I like the cathode lights, but for around 10 bucks , includes the clips to mount them, hard to beat. I like blue btw, and I see shimmer lines too.
