My mushrooms are shrinking


New member
Hey RC
The mushrooms that are shrinking are these kinds And Invertebrates:Mushrooms&SortBy=Price

The first month they were looking great, now they are slowly shrinking a couple centimeters a week.
My params are
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
20 nitrate
Calcium 430
Alk 9

My lights are PCs, 108 watts over a 60 gallon
My nitrates are a little high , and I'm in the middle on maintaining them but Mushrooms can tolerate them right ?

Thanks !
How strong of flow do you have them in? Some of my Green Fluorescent Mushrooms were in too much flow and would shrivel up until I repositioned them. Maybe you could try a different spot in your tank if that is possible.
Try shadding them more, they may be exhibiting photoinhabiton from the direct lighting. I find this usually fixes the problem if done before they start falling off, and yes reduce flow too.
my orange rics always shrink to teeny tiny- smaller then a dime- even though all were larger than quarters... however, greens and blues are huge.. i have had them in many different areas of my tank.. no change.
I tried to put mine in low flow areas, however this was my first tank, and I liked the really fine grain sand....big mistake. So whenever I put a coral, or rock in low flow areas, they get covered in sand pretty quick. In the high flow areas, they at least dont get covered in sand.
My next tank, I am definetely going with a little bigger size sand cause these constant sand storms are annoying.
can your powerheads be aimed somewhere else as to not create a sandstorm ? if not i would imagine they are to big for that tank .
I have 3 blue mushrooms on a rock in my tank that where very large in my friends 14 gallon oceanic. I put them in the bottom of my 55 with 2 175watt MH on it and they are shriveling quick. I have placed them at the bottom of the tank in a slightly shaded area on the sand in lower flow with no improvement. I have no real great overhang for them to be under.

What do you guys think?