wgraham -
I seen that post. That's is why originally I never monitored the time. However after letting mine run for 7 days, and noticing the time was speeding up, I monitored the controllers traffic, and nothing is ever sent.
Also most ntp pools today will block you if you check anymore than once every 60 minutes.
Ignore me. Figured it out. Forgot to change the EEPROM setting.
Anyone explain the purpose of the blue led in the schematic?
d0ughb0y -
The reason for DNS, is not to use DNS, but to use the full ethernet.begin options. For people like me, who do not use a off the shelf wireless router, I need to use the full ethernet.begin options. The way you have it, it will use x.x.x.1 for DNS, and x.x.x.1 for the gateway if you don't specify. As for me, my gateway is x.x.x.254.
Granted I'm sure going to be the odd ball here, as my house is not setup like typical, as I run a full enterprise network setup at home, since my daily job is a Network Engineer.
However I do have a question. I don't see in your code where you pull NTP again after initial boot, but in a prior post your pulling like every 5 minutes. Would you be able to comment on that?
As I live in Europe at -1h CGT I change in config.h setting and on main web page hour and date is shown correct.
For example now 06-24-2014 14:44:00
Still when I change one outlet setting and then check in Outlet log I see all log entries are made for past time so in outlet log I see 06/24/2014 5:44:00 ?
Where and how to change also this to be accurate and sync to current time?
lasttemp = t / 16.0;
// * 1.8 + 32.0;
if (getTemp()>2.0) {
#define LCD_ADDR 0x27
#define LCD_ROWS 2
#define LCD_COLS 16
#define LCD_EN 2
#define LCD_RW 1
#define LCD_RS 0
#define LCD_D4 4
#define LCD_D5 5
#define LCD_D6 6
#define LCD_D7 7
//0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE