make sure you unzipped the, and put the hex file where you are running the avrdude command (looks like C:\Users\IBM). Or you can specify the full path where the hex file is located.
Ok, Just added Chiller option in addition to Fan.
Built myself an 80W Peltier effect Chiller, not hugely powerful, but tested durin the height of summer does drop the water temp by 6 degrees over 12hrs, which generally is workable.
Also added an ambient too low (6C) which triggers the central heating to override the home automation system, as I have doubts that the heater will be able to maintain the tank temp if the ambient falls below 6C.
I just uploaded latest fixes to github.
d0ughb0y this new version could be also apply on old Arduino bootloader as your previous versions of sw?
Or we must first change bootloader and then install this new version?
I picked up a SR-8 but does not look exactly like yours and I tested pinout..but seems different. But I modified the code per your previous post if I was only using a Chauvet. I have not connected it yet....but the status for the LCD for the ports seem wrong. Can you verify this this is correct?
void _outletOn(uint8_t p){
if (p<8) {
if (!(PORTA & _BV(p))) {//is off
PORTA |= _BV(p);
#if defined(_FEEDER) || defined(_FEEDER_V2)
} else if (p==Feeder) {
} else if (p==Pump0) {
}else {
if (!(PORTC & _BV(p-8))) {
PORTC |= _BV(p-8);
void _outletOff(uint8_t p) {
if (p<8) {
if (PORTA & _BV(p)) {//is on
PORTA &= ~_BV(p);
} else if (p==Feeder) {
} else if (p==Pump0) {
}else {
if (PORTC & _BV(p-8)) {
PORTC &= ~_BV(p-8);
I just uploaded latest fixes to github.
you must now specify your real dns server.
The dns lookup to get ip address of only works for me if I use comcast (my network provider) dns. it does not works if I use my router ip as the dns. Regardless if your router can do dns forwarding or not, I think specifying the actual dns ip will work for all cases.
fixed the lcd display of orp and conductivity readings.
fixed bug in updateSonar.
adjusted doser data storage location so it is ready for using the netload tftp bootloader.
I am going to use just the 8 ports of the Chauvet SR-8 for this build. Does the Chauvet use normal logic?
I don't have a problem with the time on my controller do I need to update anyway
ok, I see what you are doing. you are keeping the chauvet unmodified and just driving it from the arduino circuit right? and you are using the uln2803 to drive the chauvet right?
you then also need to adjust isOutletOn logic. that is why your display is wrong.
which reminds me, I need to add that #define in config.h to invert the outlet logic.
Do you have ph, orp and cond? are they all connected? is the cond displaying correctly? can you post a screenshot?
Could I just define if the relay is active high/low/none for each 8 ports and then run the appropriate logic and display with if/else statements like you have done throughout the code?
Still havig a bit of trouble with conductivity, so I parked it, but yes they are all connected, will look at it again tonight, unless you have a quick fix to hand?