beautiful set up super clean also love your wrasses
Your Trachy looks very similar to the one I had. Oh how I miss it.
Love that ric rock too!
Excellent!! Have loved your previous tank, and this one seems even better!
Love the scape!! Love the clean look!
Perhaps, the last island at the back of the tank could do with flatter support rocks for the cave?
Very nice!!
This has the potential to be one of the best tanks around!!!!
Perfect start.
I have to say I really like the dimensions of this tank, length and width make it feel much more shallow than it actually is and I love shallow tanks.
The supporting systems and scape are also absolutly top notch, excellent work sir.
first off beautiful tank, it really looks nice. i think i missed it but can you tell me what type of sand you have? i love it and again beautiful setup
Beautiful pictures!!
Your tank is looking great Michael, looking forward to watching it as it matures.
Beautiful tank and pictures Michael. Very simple aquascape as well.
What a great tank. I love the aquascape!
Great pics of your fish too.. I can't ever get anything close to that!!