My new 30g sump with sump stand

It made it easier to get them to sit property in the bottom of the tank (sump) there is a bead of silicone around the bottom inside edges of the tank. If I didn't cut the corners of the baffles out, the bottoms would be off the bottom about a centimeter or two.
Make sense?
Thanks alot, it is working out great. The tank seems to be running better too. Here is a picture of the sump from a couple of weeks ago ( it is now about 6+ months old ) I will try and take a picture of the tank tomorrow.

Thanks. I am about to built my sump and just want to be sure that I'm not messing up. So when you cut the corners, is that space filled up with silicone, or does the water pass through the hole? If it passes, doesn't that give you micro-bubbles (which was the whole reason for INSTALLING the baffles)?

Also, what kind of silicone did you use? It looks like in the pic you used the Window and Door: "Silicone II: 100% Silicon Sealant" from HD...but I was there last night and it said on the back of the tube that it should 'not be used for aquariums'. I read the back of ALL the other types of silicone, and only the: Kitchen and Bath "Silicone I: 100% Silicone Rubber Sealant" did not have that disclaimer.

Has anyone used either of these prodect and had any PROBLEMS...or are they basically the same? I just dont want to put something in the sump that will ultimately be bad for the tank!

What about the silicone that my LFS sells as 'Aquarium Silicone'? Is it worth paying 3x the price of the '100% Silicone' available at HD?

[sorry if I'm stealing your thread a little bit...]
First off you aren't stealing at all, I am glad to help.

The space ( in the corners ) was filled with silicone, no water passes through at all.

I did use Silcole II windows and doors. I think that disclaimer is just there for legal reasons. I used the same stuff on my other sump, been holding for over a year without any issues. Plenty of others have used it too, I have never heard of any issues.

I wouldn't "waste" the money for the one at the LFS, for all intense and propuses, it is the same stuff.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask, I am glad to help.

I am still wondering why there are different disclaimers on the 'Silicone I' tube vs the 'Silicone II' tube, considering they are both labeled as "100% Silicone". I don't get it....

Was that one small tube (2.8 oz) enough for your whole sump, or would you recommend the larger (10 oz) one?
I have not started converting my sump yet like you have but will start this weekend.

Can't wait. Your posts will be of much value.

As for the silicone. doesn't the window and door type II have algicides and pesticides in them. I thought that is why they say not for use indoors. I have never used Silicone in a tank before so I have no idea if it is ok. would like to hear from others.

The bath and tub stuff has a mildew inhibitor which makes it bad new for use in a tank. I've used the window and door silicone for some time now and never had a problem.
I also had a lot of people tell me not to silicone plexi-glass in a glass tank as it will peel but I've yet to have that problem either and my sump has been up for some time. a big NO on the 'Kitchen/Bath' type.

Do you know if you used the 'Silicone I' or 'Silicone II' version of the Window/Door?

I'm not sure it makes a big difference, but I noticed the Silicone II has much more hold, durability, etc...
Jon, I used silicone II (windows and doors). To be honest I am not sure of the difference. Like hopestar said, people have used both.

Toby, it is a standard 30 gal, 36" L, 12.5 W, 17" H.
The inflow/skimmer section is 11", baffels 4.5", Fuge 12.5", and the return section ( with PVC shelf for carbon bag ) is 7".