My new dersa


Timo Boll
I picked this up at my LFS on Saturday morning. I also have a blue crocea and a gold maxima.


Well it is beutiful. In about two years you will have a football sized one. They really grow fast.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6914654#post6914654 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sundance1
That last picture is really nice!

thanks sundance1.

Can you keep Deresa's in Compact Flourescent lighting? T5? I cant seem to figure out a financially sound way to attain MH lighting on my 12 Gallon DX.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6919918#post6919918 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 29GReef
Can you keep Deresa's in Compact Flourescent lighting? T5? I cant seem to figure out a financially sound way to attain MH lighting on my 12 Gallon DX.

You will find a lot of people here who say MH is the only way to go, but you will probably find just as many (including me) who have successfully kept them under PC, especially in shallower tanks. I had a Derasa for 8 years in a 29 with 3x55W PC, about halfway up the rocks, and it got huge to the point where I had to sell it.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6919918#post6919918 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 29GReef
Can you keep Deresa's in Compact Flourescent lighting? T5? I cant seem to figure out a financially sound way to attain MH lighting on my 12 Gallon DX.
Derassas are grow fast and become too big for such a small tank.
Mine in a year went from 3 inches to amout 9 and now is about 12 inches.
IMO also they need MH, I have this one just 20 inches below a 400 watt MH light bulb. They also need suspended food as they are also filter feeders, I think a small volume of water will not be able to support them properly but I have seen some small ones in demo tanks of about 50 gallons.