My new O scyllarus


New member
I just bought him today at my LFS. He's a pretty good size, I would say almost 4 inches. Sorry about the picture quality, but it is clear enough.
From the color, I would guess male, but this can be misleading. Look at the base of the last pair of walking legs. You should see a copulatory tube about a half inch long hanging down from the inside.

Ok.. I'll admit to being mantis impaired, but what are the little paddle things on the side of their head?
They are called antennal scales - because they come off the base of the antennae.
They are multi-functional serving as control planes when swimming, pressure wave detectors, possibly as "ears", and for displays. In O.s., they are polarized and can be used in signalling.

That is the most AWFULL MANTIS I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!! I would take it back to the LFS you got it at A.S.A.P. ;) Well, its a sad day for Max. He passed away earlier today (was battling a freak tank overheating). I hope he is in mantis heaven with tons of crabs to smash.:(
Not trying to stray from the thread (That IS a great looking mantis), but thank you Gonodactylus. I've been looking all over trying to figure out what they were.