My reef's new accessories


New member
Well, next month marks the two year anniversary for my reef.
I decided to surprise my reef with a pair of brand new tridacnids! So for the ol' reef seems quite happy with the new accessories!!
Just thought I'd share some pics of my first pair of clammies,

The maxima closeup.

and the squamosa,

And yes I've caught the bug :D
Great looking clams. I especially like the squamosa. Do you know where he came from? Looks like maybe a Marshall Island.
Thanks for the complements. The squamosa really is awesome looking. Its pattern is much nicer than most of the others I've seen. I do not know where it is from though. The LFS I got it at said it was sold to them as farm raised. I took this with a grain of salt, but I really have no clue as to its origin.
Today the maxima has opened up about double of what it did yesterday. The mantle is sticking up a good inch or more past the shell. Quite amazing. I think the maxima is VERY happy going from the old bulbed vho's as the LFS to my halides.
Now I just need to make some space on the sand bed for some new guys!
Oh yes, there are some aips in this tank. I have tried most everything to get rid of them, to no avail yet. I have a brreding stock of berghia in another tank, and one of theses days I'll add them to this tank.
I keep them in check with kalk from time to time, and I think one of those times is approaching!