my shrimp freaked me out


i was looking at my tank (as usual) then suddenly i saw this


so i freaked out, checked my water params, changed water (im not due), and looked everywhere if he really died.

then after lights out,....


there goes my saturday movie night :mad:
still im happy pepe the peppermint is alive and kicking :D
Better to be overly paranoid than overly nonchalant in your reefkeeping. ;)

LOL. This brought back memories of the first time I saw my $30 cleaner shrimp's molt and freaked out, so don't feel embarrassed.
You've been at it less than 6 months so expect to see a lot freakier stuff in the future. :D
lol. i woke up today and the same thing had happened.
had two cleaner shrimps molded in the same time.
got a little worried cause i saw the first molt, then i saw the second,
and since ive never had two molt in the same time, i automatically sassume the 2nd was dead until closer inspection.
I came home one night to see my pom pom crab holding my other one, I thought it was cute and they were mating. Turns out the bigger one was eating the smaller ones head. Granted, I know you shouldnt have 2 in a small tank but they have met several times and nothing occurred.
Crabs are especially freaky when they molt because it just looks like a dead crab (or is it Whizzo butter, for you Monty Python fans). If you fish it out of there sometimes it's even hard to tell by looking at it that it's just a molt and not a late crab. ;)

Shrimp are especially vulnerable when they molt. I used to have a neon dottyback, and couldn't keep any cleaner shrimp. He would attack the very expensive shrimp after they molted and eat them, when they are nice and soft.