OK so here's the whole story:
So I'm a newbie. I purchased a 7 month old biocube hqi about a month and a half ago. The tank has a cheato refugium in the back center and had 2 clownfish, a scooter dragonet, a hermit crab, an anemone (small, not sure what kind), a small mushroom, and a little circular patch of starburst. Everything was fine (i think) until about a week ago.
Oh, I should add that the rock and filter pads and carbon had been in the tank, but to transport the tank the previous owner took everything out, put it in a bucket, and threw the sand away and cleaned the tank. so basically i bought new live sand and put everything back in, being told the tank would go through a 'mini-cycle' but that everything would be fine since i didn't have alot of fish and the rock and filterpads were already established and it had a cheato refug as well. i also added a bottle of that instant ocean biospira to help things along. so everything was going along fine after a few weeks all everything was still alive and healthy and the tank was doing great with crystal clear water and algae-free rocks and sand.
So i added 5 peppermint shrimp and a scarlet hermit last weekend and they all seemed to be doing ok. many of the shrimp molted a few days later but they were all acting normal as far as i could tell.
Anyway, everything was fine until last week when i started to get green algae growth on the rocks and even some hair algae on my hermits shell. I realized I was running the lights too long (they were on throughout the day when I'm not home ~12 hours). I know i was overfeeding as well as I would feed pellets once a day and the guy at the lfs told me to stop to every two days and run the lights only 2-3 hours a day.
Soo, yesterday, i went to the lfs and bought 3 tiny emerald crabs, 2 of those biocube filter cartridges and a package of Deep Blue phosphate reducer. i cut a very long thick strip of the the phosphate reducer and lined chamber 1. then behind that on the bottom i had the old carbon from the previous owner, a small bag of boyds chemipure elite on top, and on top of that the two filter cartridges stacked on top of the other (note that chamber 1 is REALLY deep) with the space behind them filled up with some fluval filter pads (with big holes). on top of that i put a bag of carbon in the third chamber where my heater is. so basically, i had a massive amount of filtration going on back there in hopes i could clear up my water and get rid of phosphates feeding my algae. i should add that the carbon in the third chamber had already been there. all i added yesterday was the two biocube filter cartridges and alot phosphate reducing stuff. big mistake. whatever i did i royally ****ed up because i woke up this morning and nearly everything was dead!! The two clowns, the anemone and all the shrimps lay dead on the floor and the crabs are dead also on some of the rock. the only thing still living is the first original hermit (i can't see the scarlet so idk if he made it) and the starburst polyp which started to bloom a little when i turned the light on.
I hadn't tested my water in a few weeks and while i do have a water test kit, it only tests pH, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia and nothing else. the pH was slightly low (around 8) and the nitrates were in between 0 and 5 ppm last time i checked (it's one of those test kits where you match the color). anyway, i'm so sad and discouraged right now i dont know what to do i feel like i'm gonna cry. if anyone can please help and advise on cleanup or help me know the error of my ways i would really appreciate it.
i dont know if i added too much filtration stuff at once or maybe too much life at once i have no clue but everything just went to **** overnight.
So I'm a newbie. I purchased a 7 month old biocube hqi about a month and a half ago. The tank has a cheato refugium in the back center and had 2 clownfish, a scooter dragonet, a hermit crab, an anemone (small, not sure what kind), a small mushroom, and a little circular patch of starburst. Everything was fine (i think) until about a week ago.
Oh, I should add that the rock and filter pads and carbon had been in the tank, but to transport the tank the previous owner took everything out, put it in a bucket, and threw the sand away and cleaned the tank. so basically i bought new live sand and put everything back in, being told the tank would go through a 'mini-cycle' but that everything would be fine since i didn't have alot of fish and the rock and filterpads were already established and it had a cheato refug as well. i also added a bottle of that instant ocean biospira to help things along. so everything was going along fine after a few weeks all everything was still alive and healthy and the tank was doing great with crystal clear water and algae-free rocks and sand.
So i added 5 peppermint shrimp and a scarlet hermit last weekend and they all seemed to be doing ok. many of the shrimp molted a few days later but they were all acting normal as far as i could tell.
Anyway, everything was fine until last week when i started to get green algae growth on the rocks and even some hair algae on my hermits shell. I realized I was running the lights too long (they were on throughout the day when I'm not home ~12 hours). I know i was overfeeding as well as I would feed pellets once a day and the guy at the lfs told me to stop to every two days and run the lights only 2-3 hours a day.
Soo, yesterday, i went to the lfs and bought 3 tiny emerald crabs, 2 of those biocube filter cartridges and a package of Deep Blue phosphate reducer. i cut a very long thick strip of the the phosphate reducer and lined chamber 1. then behind that on the bottom i had the old carbon from the previous owner, a small bag of boyds chemipure elite on top, and on top of that the two filter cartridges stacked on top of the other (note that chamber 1 is REALLY deep) with the space behind them filled up with some fluval filter pads (with big holes). on top of that i put a bag of carbon in the third chamber where my heater is. so basically, i had a massive amount of filtration going on back there in hopes i could clear up my water and get rid of phosphates feeding my algae. i should add that the carbon in the third chamber had already been there. all i added yesterday was the two biocube filter cartridges and alot phosphate reducing stuff. big mistake. whatever i did i royally ****ed up because i woke up this morning and nearly everything was dead!! The two clowns, the anemone and all the shrimps lay dead on the floor and the crabs are dead also on some of the rock. the only thing still living is the first original hermit (i can't see the scarlet so idk if he made it) and the starburst polyp which started to bloom a little when i turned the light on.
I hadn't tested my water in a few weeks and while i do have a water test kit, it only tests pH, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia and nothing else. the pH was slightly low (around 8) and the nitrates were in between 0 and 5 ppm last time i checked (it's one of those test kits where you match the color). anyway, i'm so sad and discouraged right now i dont know what to do i feel like i'm gonna cry. if anyone can please help and advise on cleanup or help me know the error of my ways i would really appreciate it.
i dont know if i added too much filtration stuff at once or maybe too much life at once i have no clue but everything just went to **** overnight.