My tank is no more.

If I were you, my dad would have a $250 gift certficate to his favorite restaurant in his hands and a case of his favorite beer.

Glad to hear your dad caught this before distaster struck.

Good luck with the new tank.

dang sorry to hear but it made me happier to hear that you lost NOTHING. you have some amazing corals. that is probably my biggest fear...i cracked tank :(

AcroSteve said:
Where is a pic of this giant clam? I did not see it in the 1st two pics.


It was not in the display but in a tank attached to the display underneath. If you look at the pic you will see a 12" ruler for scale.

The Gigas no longer exists. We moved it a few weeks back because it had grown larger ( the pic is when it was first placed in the system) and I wanted to get it out before it got too big. It did not survive the move even though it had been moved a few times before the same way. I'd say it was about 40 pounds or so.

This is what I'm going to do on the new tank. I've settled on 30"x72"x24".

The area in yellow is where you'll be able to view it.
The closed loop outlet will alternate on and off. Though the tank will not have beveled corners I will add acrylic panels(shown in black and hidden by trim) to bevel the corners so flow will rap around the front like in the last tank. The acrylic panels will be slotted top and bottom and filled with select rock pieces to act as refugiums.
I'll have the sump returns on SeaSwirls as well as some additional closed looped pumps on them as well for a total of four SeaSwirls.
The overflow will be a external unit attached to the tank(not a siphon unit.)
The lighting will be at least three 400w MHs.
The above MS Paint "drawing" is how I'm going to lay it out.
I always draw out the tank before I go at it.
onehundred20 said:
Glad to hear there were no loses, any idea why the giga didnt survive the move how did you move it or where was it headed?

No idea why the Gigas didn't make it. It was moved a few feet to another system that had params as close as possible to the system it came from. While I'm sorry that it didn't make there is also some relief as the thought of it dying and fouling a system was always on my mind. The clam was purchased six years ago by a friend of mine and it was about 3" at the time. It got too big for him and I set-up a tank to house it. I almost didn't get it out of the tank I placed it in and was moving it into a large open top system.
Sorry about the show tank Dave, but something tells me it was no accident.

Go ahead and admit that you cracked the tank so you could make a new one.

We need some reef CSI on this one.

Sorry I haven't been by the shop much. I had planned to stop in on Wednesday possibly to check things out. If you're there and have the time, I'll pop in the back and say hello.
If it looks anything like the one that just went awry it will be dynamite!

I came back from memphis and all I could think about was that tank full of SPS, Fairy wrasses, and Anthias for weeks!
wow Dave... sorry to see this. your tank is in my personal top 5. we should learn from every thread and I have to ask. did the fact the rock was directly on the glass bottom cause or contribute to the break??