My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

That was good thinking on your part I foresee that not having any issues just keep them clean. You’re the man. I am sitting on pins and needles waiting to see your updates. Looking forward to a video displaying a wide angel panning from stand to stand to stand up and running. Setting up multiple displays for reptiles, snakes, lizards, extra , extra is a common practice in the states, but to see someone doing this for Mantis Shrimp just takes it to another level. Your basically setting up what most stores do to display and sell live stock. The main difference here aside from not being in a store is your doing this for the health of your pets. I frigg’en love it.

The primary reason for utilizing such a simple system stems from my original tank that housed Leviathan & Morgoth a few weeks back, it was 1200x450x450 and 50/50 sand with just the FX5 canister, for over 6months I had 0 problems no algae outbreaks (actually removed things from my nano to put in the 4 footer so the critters in the 4footer could clean it b4 it went back in the nano) so my experience with this type of setup is fresh and I'm very comfortable with it.

FX5's don't get enough praise, there is a reason why every single large freshwater / marine setup in my LFS has FX5's on them and the FX5's are not on display you got to ask them what there using on "that" tank for filtration, I saw 1 display marine tank that had 4 FX5's hooked up to it!!

Not sure if anyone else has done this in Australia yet as far as for the purpose of stomatopods!

As I said last night STAND B is now done (3x3footers) all that is left is to hang a light on the bottom tank, I'll get pics of the stand tonight, its rests rite beside its bigger brother (STAND C) each stand is the same height (2.15m) to get a uniform look going.

Will post pics tonight just that when I responded last night it was 12:30 in the morning xD and I have work today (there now).
Last night I managed to complete STAND A or well as far as I did with STAND B on the previous night, all that is left to do on both STAND A & B is to attach the poly pipe plumbing where needed along with give each tank a few inches of coral rubble for substrate, also I need to drill out the holes in the Live Rock I use to sort of give them 'pre made' homes (which I am virtually positive each mantis will dart rite into).

So this weekend all 3 stands / the complete system should be up running and cycling!

I figured I would hold off on the pics until I get water in STAND A & B this weekend.

Another busy weekend for sure but, it doesn't stop at the system cycling.....once its all cycling and virtually at that point (touch/disturb free) I go about the long process of cleaning everything up to make it look like I was never there, there is black paint all over the garage floor xD

All 3 stands are now in place, with STAND C already 1 week into its cycle process, both STAND A & B are now fully plumbed, all I need to do now is to wait for the PVC cement to dry (give it the night) then tomorrow I shall go about getting both STAND A & B filled with substrate (dead coral chunks about 1 inch per piece) along with the water and Live Rock to get the stands cycling.

I want to give both STAND A & B the large chunky dead coral/shell pieces since both the stands will house smashers.

The picture I think makes the whole thing look rather smaller then what it is :lmao: but from the furthest point in STAND A to STAND C (inc the TV) is over 4m long / 13.2ft :lmao:

Although hard to tell in the picture, there is a good 2ft of space from the back of each stand to the wall allowing for easy access behind each stand (or the addition of a sump / sumps) also it makes for a great place to hide the large bulky FX5 canisters.

The whole 'system' (all 3 stands) is so much more quiet then I first thought it would be, FX5's in general are usually so quite that if you can't see flow coming from your OUTPUT hose (if you have put it deep under the water line) then the only way you can tell that an FX5's is on is by putting your hand on it and feeling it rumble.

All 3 stands active are not as loud as the 1 drip tray I have in my temp tanks sump, that thing is loud o_O.

More to come as they all get into there cycle process!

P.S. I like how my favorite MMA poster got to stay in view :lol:
Was mostly a substrate day again, I decided to get large chunks of dead coral for both STAND A & B also got some fine coral sand to (3-5mm) for the smaller species of smashers to use to help redecorate there homes, STAND B mostly has the large dead coral chunks since that stand is more for the larger smashers, either way both stands have both substrates just more of the finer stuff for STAND A and more of the chunky stuff for STAND B, in relation to species being housed within each stand.

STAND A - With substrate but no water

STAND B - Almost filled in the pic (filled now tho) and about to put some live rock in to start its cycle

OVERALL - Currently

Stay tuned.
Well all my hard work is over :D now all that is left is to cycle the tanks and then decide how I want each compartment to look but, here is the end result with all 3 stands filled and on the cycle!

A brief description about it all

Designed to house the smaller smashing species, from around 50mm - 100mm in size.

Designed to house the Medium - Large smashing species, from around 100mm - 200mm in size. (Note top left compartment is split in 2 via egg crate, this is where Maximus and Minnie shall live).

Designed to house the Medium - Large spearing species, from around 100mm - 300mm+ in size.


Now to let these stands just do there thing and cycle! :D

The primary purpose for this build was to be able to enhance my chance of capturing insane quality pictures/videos to show the rest of you on the forums, that was always the primary goal to get pics / vids.

I will post updates on there cycles, STAND C is already 1week into its cycle so the spearers will be going into there new homes first. :bounce1:

Stay tuned :wildone:
Getting up this morning I noticed a couple of hitchhikers already in STAND B the good ol' Stomatellas have made there way out of the Live Rock I placed in the tanks to help it cycle funny that they actually look quite at home, moving about slowly, looking for something to eat......the water isn't yet 12hours old in that stand.
I am not happy with 1 thing....


The Flow in all 3 stands is minimal because I had to dial the FX5 output back so that the top tanks in each stand didn't overflow, the greatest flow from the FX5 is in STAND C with STAND B being the next strongest and STAND A being quite minimal so STAND A will get most of the love from the this coming weekend I shall set out and purchase some (cheaper) powerheads to increase the flow in certain compartments, I found some that are around the $15-$20 mark each, they don't need to be top of the line fancy things since all there doing is creating a form of flow.

More to come!
A taste of what is to come.

I noticed last night that one of the pieces of Live Rock I put into the Top Tank of STAND B had a Morph on it, when I put it in the tank the water in the system was just pre mixed water from the LFS, when I noticed the Morph I wondered whether or not I should remove the rock and swap it for another but then I thought, no, I will leave it in and see what happens!

So at first notice of the Morph in the tank, it was all stunted and chubby looking, almost as if it were about to shrivel up and fall off (as expected)...however, TODAY when I got home just 1hour ago, I glanced at my tanks and remembered the Morph from yesterday but it looked a LOT different not only does it look healthy....but it looks more healthy then I have seen some of my other before! This thing is THRIVING! (by the looks) in pre mixed water that is 24hours old in the system!

All of my powerheads arrived today.

6 will go into STAND A, 6 will go into STAND B and 2 into STAND C.

The tanks really needed it (specifically STAND A & B) as there are certain areas in certain compartments that do NOT basically get any flow....and that just = bad news.

Also got a second reactor just another TLF 150 Phosban reactor (already have one but haven't been using) likely to hook these up to STAND A & B (1 each) I have plans to get a third for STAND C.

As far as what I will put in them well anything beneficial really lol =)

All 3 stands are now in place, with STAND C already 1 week into its cycle process, both STAND A & B are now fully plumbed, all I need to do now is to wait for the PVC cement to dry (give it the night) then tomorrow I shall go about getting both STAND A & B filled with substrate (dead coral chunks about 1 inch per piece) along with the water and Live Rock to get the stands cycling.

I want to give both STAND A & B the large chunky dead coral/shell pieces since both the stands will house smashers.

The picture I think makes the whole thing look rather smaller then what it is :lmao: but from the furthest point in STAND A to STAND C (inc the TV) is over 4m long / 13.2ft :lmao:

Although hard to tell in the picture, there is a good 2ft of space from the back of each stand to the wall allowing for easy access behind each stand (or the addition of a sump / sumps) also it makes for a great place to hide the large bulky FX5 canisters.

The whole 'system' (all 3 stands) is so much more quiet then I first thought it would be, FX5's in general are usually so quite that if you can't see flow coming from your OUTPUT hose (if you have put it deep under the water line) then the only way you can tell that an FX5's is on is by putting your hand on it and feeling it rumble.

All 3 stands active are not as loud as the 1 drip tray I have in my temp tanks sump, that thing is loud o_O.

More to come as they all get into there cycle process!

P.S. I like how my favorite MMA poster got to stay in view :lol:


Is the TV for the Mantis shrimp to watch or for you :) ?

Is the TV for the Mantis shrimp to watch or for you :) ?

Well considering the stomatopods are facing the same way as the TV I don't think they will be able to see much of it...but yeah its for me.

I just installed the powerheads to each tank/compartment and now the flow is much better well I can say that there IS NOW flow in certain parts that had none (practically), I over estimated the size of the powerheads I got for STAND C the long thin tanks so I swapped them with the bottom tank of STAND B, which volume wise is actually the largest tank (where Juggernaut my newest peacock shall reside).

Got some really cheapy powerheads as all I wanted is flow and I got prity good ones in my view =) there doing there job and all 14 were just $220 =D the suction cups are SH*T and won't hold onto anything but I have already tested it on one and the holders WILL hold a Fluval style suction cup (almost impossible to remove them... lol however for the meantime I went about fastening them down with zip ties, there cable power cords are zip tied close and tight to the frame of each stand behind the tanks so you can't see the zip ties or anything its not so bad if one falls in STAND A or B but....STAND C because of all the sand and only fine fine sand....causes a huge sand storm.

The best thing about these cheap powerheads, is that they all come with a 1year warranty.

But there all in place and the flow is great. They aren't all that noticeable either being black and matching the sides and rear of the tanks black walls =) either way my pics/vids will focus on 1 thing alone, the stomatopods.

Now I play the waiting game xD its sooo hard, I just wanna release them all into there enclosures so I can start filming xD


ipation ……..

I know this game she’s a tricky little girl. The kind that gives you a false sense of hope making you feel everything you see is ready. But don’t let her fool you. Rush and she’ll take you.
I am pulling for you as well are I am sure a few others on here. Just looking forward to seeing all these mantis in one place.


ipation "¦"¦..

I know this game she's a tricky little girl. The kind that gives you a false sense of hope making you feel everything you see is ready. But don't let her fool you. Rush and she'll take you.
I am pulling for you as well are I am sure a few others on here. Just looking forward to seeing all these mantis in one place.

Last week for STAND C to hopefully be done with its cycle (been 3 weeks) =) so next weekend the 2 large spearers can come out of the temp tank and go into there perma homes not only giving them the sand that they have been craving but I can also then release the Juggernaut (new peacock) from its jail cell and give it free range of the temp system until STAND B is finished its cycle.

Wondering what I should use as a test subject for STAND C rather then tempting fate with one of my large spearers...I'd rather it be an invert then a fish since it would simulate it better

Still amazed that the morph didn't shrivel up and die considering it was put straight into the water...its now spread/opened more and looks to be larger getting me thinking about STAND B and its 'cycle'.... but then again Morphs are tough as hell and if Morphs are dieing then the water is more then toxic.
I think, tomorrow I will just give STAND C a thorough test (3 times) and add a test invert, some shrimp. If all goes well I'll just add the spearers one by one cause I really want to let this large peacock out of its confines.

Fingers crossed on the test subject =P
Fingers crossed check.
And can't wait for pix. This things been months in the making!

The test have shown good results, as expected =P afterall THIS stand doesn't actually have that much water....the top tank is about 70L and the bottom about 90L.

I tested the water in the temp system, then tested the water in STAND C and they are virtually the same =) 0>unreadable nitrate,nitrite & ammonia.

EDIT: My mate in the LFS was there today so I managed to cut an hour off his day with good chatting and humor, whenever his boss walked by I knew he was unhappy about me just taking a staff member away but I pour too much money in the shop to be denied good service =P either way my mate showed me some stuff from Seachem called 'Stability' its meant to prevent sudden fish death syndrone from the shock of new tanks, I have already been using it on the stand and have given it another dose just before, he told me that (and he himself has done this as a test) basically he got pre mixed water put it in the tank then put a good dose of 'stability' in and then put a few fish in straight away to see what would happen, all the fish survived but he added the stability every day for a month.

He as well as I said at basically the same time, "Not sure about inverts though, thats my next test" he is basically the only guy in the shop that will talk about stomatopods in a good manner rather then demonizing them like the owner does -_- she will actually refuse to sell me live fish knowing where there going....

I'm sure Leviathan & Morgoth are going to be happy with there new homes given the amount of time effort and money I spent on them....they damn well better be happy xD LOL.

Now to get them out of the temp and into there new homes for the last time!

P.S. this is going to be a very VERY slow process, I plan on drip acclimatizing them both for a good 3hours.

More to come as they go in etc =)
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