My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

Kharn please keep testing everyday and have water on hand for a fast waterchange if needed. O and Fart wants to see a pix of your hand.....

I got hit by Maximus about a 4-4.5inch G.graphurus (really big for its species) even now my finger does NOT retract as far back as its counterpart (about 75% bend) its still quite crunchy every time I bend the finger to make a fist, thats the worst part.....not being able to make a proper fist.....

I'll upload a pic when I can but isn't there another thread I did with pics of my finger and the lump on its joint, the whole reason why it was so bad was only because he got me in the worst spot (or best I guess) he possibly could, rite on a joint.
Dude just lock your self in the man cave...... um scratch the man enter mantis cave molt and when your done the joint will work just fine again............ o wait that's not for us humans
Dude just lock your self in the man cave...... um scratch the man enter mantis cave molt and when your done the joint will work just fine again............ o wait that's not for us humans

I was most happy seeing Morgoth sitting in his freshly dug out burrow =) which puts my mind at ease with both now retaining there ability to create burrows :D
Just went home to have a squiz at STAND C and make sure Morgoth & Leviathan are settling in, so far so good, Leviathan has really dug himself a burrow, I couldn't see him, only a black hole in the sand. Morgoths eyes still poke out of the sand =) will test the water tonight when I knock off work.
As of this afternoon both spearers are well into there tanks having both dug burrows deep enough to conceal themselves (more so for Leviathan).



I am very happy that both large spearers seem to be happy =)

One thing I REALLY NEED to get is a GOOD algae scraper (very difficult for me to get my hands into the tank as much as I do not want to anyway) but I have heard of the 'Algae Free' range of scrubbers being basically the 'bee's knees' of magnetic algae scrubbers so I shall get one of them, the algae is causing my pictures to be...less then what I want!

Much more to come =D
Couple of new images of Morgoth & leviathan

Morgoth - L.sulcata

Leviathan - L.maculata

They seemed to of really taken a shine to there new tank not, which I am glad considering what I did to ensure there happiness =)
Yes sir my fingers have been crossed. All looks well. Love the cuddled up pix. Remind me of me pulling the blanket over my head this morning
Yes sir my fingers have been crossed. All looks well. Love the cuddled up pix. Remind me of me pulling the blanket over my head this morning

Took a couple of videos, its going to take a few test videos (like these) before I get it to what it rite and by that I mean clearer and clearer etc.

Leviathan - Rejecting the food.
<iframe width="800" height="600" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Morgoth - Took what Leviathan would not.
<iframe width="800" height="600" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

More to come as I said these were more test videos to get the best clarity I can.
Once I really figure out how to angle my camera to make films and pics I shall make a note of it on my floor (sketch the tripods feet) that way I can always have a reference to go back on, just a matter of finding that rite "spot".
I can't wait to start filming the large spearers taking live food, even though I have had these 2 large spearers for almost 6months, because of the nature of there old tank (very wide lots of hiding places) and because I mass fed them (dumped a dozen fish in at a time).......

Only twice have I seen them take a fish, once for Leviathan (very difficult to see) and once for Morgoth, mostly because the fish had so many places to retreat/hide in, now the prey has nothing =D.
Couple more pics of just Morgoth, Leviathan was no where to be seen now having excavated a deep burrow in his sand bed, still I don't think he realizes just how DEEP I made it for him so he is probably still digging/exploring how deep it goes =).

Morgoth - L.sulcata

Much more to come (basically never ending :P)
Both Morgoth & Leviathan are thriving in there stand, Morgoth continues to work on his entrance whilst Leviathan is more interested in the depths of the sand bed, sometimes I see his eyes poke out.

I decided to test STAND A today and felt comfortable enough with the results to begin to add the stomatopods one by one via drip acclimatization over the period of an hour to an hour and a half, the reason why I feel they don't require (although it would do them no harm) the longer 2-3 hour drip acclimatization that I do with my larger species is because there all the tidal dwellers, G.smithii/G.graphurus/G.falcatus general a tough bunch due to the environments that they are found in constantly shifting etc.

So far I have added 1 G.smithii and its doing well, adjusting to its new vastly larger surroundings, I think it is still a bit scared considering what it once had and now has. Harder to get good clear shots of the smaller species as there a lot more zippy then there larger cousins....

There will be a large amount of pics incoming a few pics for each stomatopod added.
No pics rite now =) Figured I would wait until this evening when I got the other half into the stand....only realized that since I started so late in the evening with the acclimatization of each stomatopod (being between 1hr - 1.5hrs) starting at 9pm I didn't get the third one in until 12:30am lol so thought I'd stop there until this evening.

More to come!