My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

My magnetic glass cleaner came in! So now I can clean the inside of the front pane of glass free of algae and other things that distort my pictures/films!

Its a hammerhead.
Lol good luck with the sides. Hammerhead + metal stand = broken finger.....

Should be alright there is more then enough room on the sides for my fingers not to get caught between stand and magnet.

All I care is if it gets it all OFF and crystal clear!
Whew, I have been away for some time but it is glad to be back and on this forums and home. I see you got your new mantis system up and running! Man it looks nice, I am jealous :p.

Congrats on the tank and the new setup! I love the new pics you have of them too. I am looking forward to a live video feeding :).
Leave it to a stomatopod to figure out the flaws of what is essentially designed specifically for there needs.... -_-

Interesting thing happened just then that made my heart jump a beat at first notice, it involves Rocky (G.graphurus) & Shockwave (G.falcatus) these 2 live side by side now but in MUCH larger compartments (300mmx300mmx350mm) catered to there special needs.

Rocky has opened up a lot (perhaps too much) since going into his new home, just then Rocky made a point to me about a small flaw in the tank that he and Shockwave reside in....1 of the acrylic teeth where the water passes through, specifically the last one on the end at the front of the tank, is missing and Rocky was inspecting it.

To my fears he did what I thought and went for it, but stopped halfway, frozen and in threatening pose this all astounded me that he found a flaw so fast and something I had missed....what I didn't see was that Shockwave had come out to "greet" him as well (since my eyes were originally firmly fixated on Rocky hoping he wouldn't go through the gap).

Well I didn't have to do a thing!

After a few seconds Shockwave thought that the threat was either not enough or to weak and so charged upwards towards Rocky in the gap, Rocky swiftly backed out of the gap, leaving Shockwave to float down the bottom on his side slowly.

I jumped up, grabbed one of the other Teeth Guards from the other tanks (there removable thank god) and swapped it for one that I had a better look at and all teeth being in place I put it into Rocky & Shockwaves tank. The one with the broken tooth will be fine as is where it is now being that all the species in STAND B are larger and it would be impossible for any to fit through it.

Talk about close call though o_O as getting Rocky out of Shockwaves compartment would of been no easy task being such a small zippy and energetic stomatopod let alone if I could of got to him in time before Shockwave dispensed "justice" upon the intruder.

It's things like that, that wish I could get it on camera like the whole event but at the same time its nigh impossible....since its not something that "should" happen nor prepared for.

P.S. Both stomatopods are fine and back building there new homes, Shockwave has moved quite a bit of substrate about, noticed a large mound of coral rubble at the back of the tank.
OMG to see the thing your eyes have seen.........
you can set up a cheap camera and have a life feed. this way all of us can log in and take a look at the madness.
Good news!

All of my stomatopods are now within the stands which means once there comfortable with there new surroundings they should open up and come out more so photography and filming will begin then.

I don't won't to put them under the stress of the camera rite now but I'll see how they are when I get home, each mantis has already begun extensive burrow/home making in there own individual ways.

More to come =)
What's the total system volume for each stand?

Most of this is estimation due to substrates / live rock etc.

STAND A = 220L
STAND B = 320L
STAND C = 225L

Total estimated volume of all 3 stands = 765L


EDIT: Since this is a dedicated mantis shrimp sub forum people sort of already know your intentions when you post but I struggle to find any 'local' (aus) site that has a mantis shrimp sub forum (doubt there is) so when I post about my build in there invert section I get a lot of weird looks / comments considering its all for 'pests' lol.
Ok so over the next hour or so I shall begin to upload pics of each stomatopod that has gone into the stands however I will not go into as much detail in this surge of pics with Morgoth & Leviathan my largest spearers as I have already posted a little bit on them, this doesn't mean it all stops here on the contrary this is just the beginning the only difference is with each pic/vid I post my primary goal is to not only best what I previously post but to provide better quality, whether its the way the camera is angled or the quality of the images themselves I intend to get better all round with my camera skills.

P.S. I also cannot provide much on my G.falcatus shockwave as he hasn't been out and quite possibly built/sifted the most amount of rubble so far (weight to size ratio) so he has created a nice little fortress which inhibits my ability to see him / capture him on camera, notorious for this species I think. Nor can I of Zuzu since I have not moved him neither yet and am also considering placing him in the 3 foot temp tank setup to give it more then it needs to be happy for such a small and unique stomatopod.

Anyway let the pictures begin!
G.smithii - Adam

This lil' G.smithii has proven to be quite energetic and open towards me so I have been able to get multiple shots of him, thought I would start off with a stomatopod in the stands that I do (rite now) have a few pics of.

Adams Home

More to come as I film Adam as well! :lol2:
G.smithii - Eve

So far Eve has become a little bit reclusive preferring to work on the insides of her home rather then the outside exploration like Adam, this in tern makes her a little bit more difficult to capture on camera but I got at least one good pic for now.

Eves Home

More to come as she opens up more to the new environment!
G.graphurus - Rocky

Luckily my lil' graphurus Rocky has calmed down since his close encounter with fellow tank (but not compartment) mate Shockwave however this hasn't stopped his curiosity, since he is a little explorer it has been easy to capture him on camera and he isn't shy of it either.

Rockys Home

More to come as Rocky (along with Adam) are likely going to be the first small species I get on camera frequently and get on camera often/easily.
G.falcatus - Shockwave

Unfortunately Shockwave has been vary busy lately this includes hiding very well from me...I have been incapable of capturing him on camera and so cannot provide a picture of him as much as I would like to ='[ however I am sure in time I shall get him! Having said all this something to note which I didn't capture in the pic, is behind his home, he has dug up quite a bit of substrate creating a sort of fortress, so far he has moved the most substrate out of all my smashers, weight for weight wise.

Shockwaves Home

More to come as I attempt to catch Shockwave with my lenses before his (hyper enhanced, like all stomatopods) lenses capture mine and send him into his fortress deeper.
That is the current inhabitants of STAND A with 2 vacancies left available for 50mm-100mm sized smashing stomatopods.

Onwards to STAND B the big bugga's! :lol2:
G.graphurus - Minnie & Maximus

Minnie & Maximus have lived peacefully together since I have obtained them and to the trusted knowledge of there previous owner whom also advised me on them being a pair in the first place.

They are an interesting couple exhibiting many traits similar to that of humans and specifically human age, Maximus being very large is what I can only assume to be old as well, this intern (much like an older person) makes him 'slower' in comparison to his much smaller female companion, he is grumpy, prone to threats but also slow in movement and cumbersome in nature. Minnie on the other hand is much more zippy and loves to throw out threats towards the camera in an act of defiance, she also loves to dominate the relationship between herself and Maximus...being in charge of all things, sexual.



Maximus & Minnies Home Minnie Left | Maximus Right

More to come as I hope to once again capture on camera these 2 making some stomatoporn! ;)
O.scyllarus - The Kraken

"Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up to the sky with hope! And let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake"¦the Kraken!"

That was pritty much the first things I thought of when I was to get my first Peacock, a stomatopod known (in mostly myth) to be capable of damaging the glass on aquariums. Since getting The Kraken its has been in 'lock up' (more so then the others) due to its fearsome reputation (in mostly myth) so I didn't want to take the chance....since it has gone into its new MUCH MUCH larger home, it has begun to extensively dig out a nice burrow underneath some live rock.

The Krakens Home

Stay tuned as this is a relatively new member that I intend to watch closely (due to it also being a more delicate species then the rest).