Leave it to a stomatopod to figure out the flaws of what is essentially designed specifically for there needs.... -_-
Interesting thing happened just then that made my heart jump a beat at first notice, it involves Rocky (G.graphurus) & Shockwave (G.falcatus) these 2 live side by side now but in MUCH larger compartments (300mmx300mmx350mm) catered to there special needs.
Rocky has opened up a lot (perhaps too much) since going into his new home, just then Rocky made a point to me about a small flaw in the tank that he and Shockwave reside in....1 of the acrylic teeth where the water passes through, specifically the last one on the end at the front of the tank, is missing and Rocky was inspecting it.
To my fears he did what I thought and went for it, but stopped halfway, frozen and in threatening pose this all astounded me that he found a flaw so fast and something I had missed....what I didn't see was that Shockwave had come out to "greet" him as well (since my eyes were originally firmly fixated on Rocky hoping he wouldn't go through the gap).
Well I didn't have to do a thing!
After a few seconds Shockwave thought that the threat was either not enough or to weak and so charged upwards towards Rocky in the gap, Rocky swiftly backed out of the gap, leaving Shockwave to float down the bottom on his side slowly.
I jumped up, grabbed one of the other Teeth Guards from the other tanks (there removable thank god) and swapped it for one that I had a better look at and all teeth being in place I put it into Rocky & Shockwaves tank. The one with the broken tooth will be fine as is where it is now being that all the species in STAND B are larger and it would be impossible for any to fit through it.
Talk about close call though
as getting Rocky out of Shockwaves compartment would of been no easy task being such a small zippy and energetic stomatopod let alone if I could of got to him in time before Shockwave dispensed "justice" upon the intruder.
It's things like that, that wish I could get it on camera like the whole event but at the same time its nigh impossible....since its not something that "should" happen nor prepared for.
P.S. Both stomatopods are fine and back building there new homes, Shockwave has moved quite a bit of substrate about, noticed a large mound of coral rubble at the back of the tank.