My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

A few pics of the feedings tonight =) the one good side is that Morgoth looked really hungry and lunged straight for it!


The Juggernaut

The Kraken



There seems to be good news or rather better health in The Juggernaut as it looks like he has lost the shell rot that was once quite nasty looking on his tail so I take this as a good sign =D.

Advanced Shell Rot on Telson - Shot Taken -02/06/2012

Present Telson Condition - Shot Taken - 28/06/2012

I generally like to see this as another success in the overall systems capabilities its obviously not just a storage place but a place where they can thrive being catered for there individual needs (O.scyllarus being a 'lightless' tank).
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My old peacock would knock the arms off coral banded shrimp grab a hold of the shrimp’s legs and make it watch while the mantis broke open the claws and eat the insides. Then when done he would hurry the shrimp into his cave from there proceed to pound the poor shrimp into what I am guessing is a paste lol then eat that as well. The mantis must have a learning curve this is why when you introduce a new prey to the mantis it may make several small attacks/retreats before the full on assault. Strange critters these mantis are
Hey man that is not a shot of Minnie. lol you got too many pix I bet it's hard to keep them all strait

The first time since i have had this computer I got capped net :sad1:

Well last month anyway... (1st today :lol:) so I'm back :P

As to your sighting I swiftly fixed it :frog:
After witnessing Morgoth take to the prawn meat on the skewer so aggressively I wanted to see if he was up to the task of finally taking on another live prey subject.

Suffice to say...Morgoth has returned =)

<iframe width="800" height="600" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hope you liked =)
Picked up some macro algae today from my LFS which I decided to litter about in the compartment of Maximus & Minnie, I gave up trying to place it certain ways as whenever I removed my tongs after placing it, either Maximus or Minnie would pull it up and place it somewhere else so essentially I am just going to let it do its thing and grow where ever for now. :lolspin:

I like it and I think the stomatopods do to, they blend in well and have already taken large chunks and lined there burrows with it, they also seem to be outside there burrows more too, sifting through the vegetation.



There was also a surprise visitor last night =) one of my tiniest members made itself known and seems to be doing fine in its enclosure within STAND A. It's what I believe to be a Chorisquilla tweediei because of the horizontal lines across its eyes (3 per eye) and the 3 lighter patches along its abdomen.

Finally Morgoth seems to of finally settled in (or at least more) now having a cap on his burrow it seems that the recent food intake gave him what he needed to start up his new burrow building again =)

More to come as I start to tempt Morgoth with fish again.
I got a vary rare opportunity today as I added some Macro algae to some other compartments within various stands.

For the first time since I got him I haven't seen him in a natural way (only seen him when I needed to transfer him from one place to the next which was twice altogether anyway...).

Shockwave came out to say hello! I thought the opportunity was to good to miss and so I went for the camera! Regrettably due to his paranoid nature he didn't give me much time before darting back into his fortress...

Shockwave is a Gonodactylaceus falcatus and the only one I have of this species I acquired him from a mate at a LFS on Jan 5th this year.

Hope you like =D
Macros a nice touch. Helps a little for nutrient uptake, but will add a tremendous amount of O2, and ascetics.
Macros a nice touch. Helps a little for nutrient uptake, but will add a tremendous amount of O2, and ascetics.

Yeah I am undecided rite now as to how I really want to 'floricate' (add 'plants' like coral/algae) rite now the algae looks a mess and needs to position itself/lock itself on to various objects as some of it is still very free moving.

In order to get the larger piece to stay in place I put a small piece of live rock ontop of the algae to prevent it moving about, in time the algae should just grow out from it and essentially 'consume' the rock.

It would be a lot cheaper to use the macro algae as the dominant source of Flora in each tank however I do not know how it would go along side mushrooms/softies I don't see keeping them together possible seeing as how uncontrollable and fast algae can grow (smothering the softies).
Kharn is this your first go around with macro?
Fast growing is a sign of it pulling up alot of waste. Be cautious this stuff can go sexual . When this happeneds the macro will release all its internals into the water. Most will note the water turning a milky shade of white. This usually stimulates the other macros to do the same. We call this a macro "crash".
Kharn is this your first go around with macro?
Fast growing is a sign of it pulling up alot of waste. Be cautious this stuff can go sexual . When this happeneds the macro will release all its internals into the water. Most will note the water turning a milky shade of white. This usually stimulates the other macros to do the same. We call this a macro "crash".

This is not the first time I have used macro algae before however its the first time I have put it into a display tank before (being in a sump before) in all honesty I just ASSUMED that algae grew faster then coral like softies (hence the assumption of the algae eventually growing over and consuming the coral?).

I had read about it going sexual but since I never had it happen in the past I have never been that worried about it and what I did in the past was a pritty...budget kind of thing to do (basically if that worked ANYTHING would).

In the past (you should remember) I had an AquaClear110 HOB DIY Refugium where I filled it with macro algae (and some live rock beneath it). During that time I had 0 problems with it (beyond clogging the 110Hob to the point where it was 1-2mm from overflowing hence why I took it apart).

As far as I am concerned it only goes sexual if the lighting is rapidly changing ? (like if you do not stick to the 12hr light cycle for it ?).

I would of prefered stuff that didn't go 'sexual' but I am not an algae whizz and cannot tell all that well between the different types out there specially the ones that do go sexual (or are notorious for going sexual) and the ones that people know for sure that will not go sexual.

Again this is just a test I am looking at increasing the overall color of the tanks where there are lights whilst also not having to spend more money on equipment (upgrading the lights).

If it works with my current lights AWESOME, great, its what I wanted if not, then its got to there is a lot of trial and error.

One thing I have noticed and cannot understand are Acans....I have lost 2 so far (by lost I mean they were dying and so I gave them to a mate) here is the weird part....

STAND B - Top Tank - Divided into 2 compartments (then one of those compartments is divided via eggcrate (Minnie & Maximus) in the half (which is halved again by eggcrate) where Maximus & Minnie reside were 2 Acan clusters, the one on Minnies side is THRIVING all puffy and bright colored (thank god being its the nicer of the 2) the one on Maximus side was dying hardcore....each day I noticed an acan polyp missing and the bright white bone/cartilage the other half of the tank (where my G.T.'s are) there are 4 Acan clusters ALLL thriving like madness (going to have to remove some to let them grow...).

Same stand, Same tank, 5 Acans THRIVING bright colors, all fat and puffy, 1 Acan just literally rolled over and just about died (mate reviving it I mean he got it for free xD) There were 2 other Acan clusters that also succumbed...yet they were in tanks were on the other side of the divider was another Acan cluster...THRIVING.


But this is what I do, I don't make exceptions based on the corals needs, its the coral that must make exceptions based on my stomatopods needs and if they cannot cope, they just got to go....

having said this I have had great success with Acans/Morphs but for some reason NOT zoanthids....none of my Zoa's are opening (besides 1 which isn't exactly the nicest Zoa either (brown with a little green).

RANTING!!!!!!!!!! lol:crazy1:
This setup is simply amazing:eek1:. Maximus might have the best coloration that I have seen. Does Gonodactylaceus graphurus pop up in internet trade at all?
This setup is simply amazing:eek1:. Maximus might have the best coloration that I have seen. Does Gonodactylaceus graphurus pop up in internet trade at all?

I've never seen it to be honest online for sale but its VERY common here in Australia one of the most common (other being G.smithii).

Personally I prefer G.graphurus as my small species, there more colorful then other species at the size, there EXTREMELY interactive/aggressive (more so then my G.smithii).

I recommend every local to get a G.graphurus/G.smithii as a starter mantis knowing that once they have kept it for a while there not only going to fall in love with it, but, they will want more :D

I do not think they reside in the northern regions like america (colder climates).

I generalized it like this.

Gono - Australia (place you find them in abundant).
Neog - America (place you find them in abundant).

That doesn't mean to "state" anything its just a conclusion I have come to...I never understood (until recently) why the americans would get all excited about a G.smithii popping up on a site for sale (being instantly bought by someone too) when down here you could (as I have done) kick over a rock at low tide and spot them all over...

But I have NEVER seen a N.wennerae for sale down here in Australia which lead me to the conclusion above.
Great info thanks! I see a Gonodactylus platysoma for sale. I'm tempted. I think my nitrogen cycle has completed. I first tested my tank after the first week of cycling to a
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
and 10ppm nitrate

I monitored all that next week with no spikes in ammonia or nitrate. Now Nitrates are at 20ppm while the other two are still 0. However, being so new I don't want to screw this up, so I'm being patient. Even though that G. platysoma looks cool and less abundant here.
Great info thanks! I see a Gonodactylus platysoma for sale. I'm tempted. I think my nitrogen cycle has completed. I first tested my tank after the first week of cycling to a
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
and 10ppm nitrate

I monitored all that next week with no spikes in ammonia or nitrate. Now Nitrates are at 20ppm while the other two are still 0. However, being so new I don't want to screw this up, so I'm being patient. Even though that G. platysoma looks cool and less abundant here.

Those G.platysomas have some nice colors I'd grab it if I were you! They are known to be easy to keep much like G.smithii & G.graphurus. I'd rank it more colorful then my G.graphurus.

As for interaction I got no idea really...never kept one.
NONE of my tanks within all stands were 'truly' cycled by the time I added the stomatopods, to knowledge they got about 3weeks of cycling.

There was NO ammonia spike, there was NO spikes anywhere...

STAND B & C were of more concern then STAND A since the STAND B & C stomatpods were all larger and from deeper waters then STAND A species...

STAND A species are all tidal dwelling species that are found at around max depths of 5m tops generally more shallow though so we are talking about literally on land LOL....because of this the parameters in these waters fluctuate rapidly in extreme conditions.

When I think of stomatopod survival the first species that comes to my mind are the smaller 50-100mm Gonodactyls (can't speak for the 'neos' as I have never kept one) they are absolute rocks, you need to do something seriously wrong to kill one of these through bad parameters....

Does a stomatopod feel sympathy or any kind of emotion...its evident through feedings that they can feel or rather show 'excitement/anticipation' so if they can express this kind of emotion why not the rest ?

Last night I had a very interesting interaction with Morgoth something that has left me puzzled now before I start I should state that spearers have in the past, turned the noses up at certain live prey and when another is offered they instantly take it.

So last night I had an intersting interaction with Morgoth mostly due in part to what I said above, I offered him a certain live food but he initially refused it, then I offered him a different live food item, which he proceeded to capture and consume....

I was given a pair of Clarkii clowns a while ago mostly because my friend didn't want them nor did he want to sell them (this is the guy I give the corals to) so he gave them to me for free. They seem to be a 'pair' but I cannot tell male from female in them...

Anyway last night I offered the smaller of the 2 to Morgoth and he did what I have never seen the silly innocent clown made its way to its doom, Morgoth did what Morgoth does...he saw the fish incoming, aligned himself as best for the strike and just as the fish came into strike range, Morgoth went for it but....

Stopped half way o_O...claws folded back in and he slowly began to sink back into his burrow, the clownfish didn't notice any of this happening and so basically went rite on top of Morgoth and thought to have a little rest...sitting on the top of Morgoth until I just gave in and removed the fish.

It's as if Morgoth saw/sensed something about the fish... because when I removed it and replaced it with a live shrimp can see the results for yourself.

My question is...

What stopped Morgoth dead in his tracks when the fish would of essentially been an easy capture (much more then the prawn which took 3 strikes) he saw something that made him instantly re-think ?

very strange activity.
I pulled the trigger:bounce1: Thanks again Kharn! I can blame it all on you know if anything happens :D

"I can blame it all on you know if anything happens"

I know your joking (at least I hope so xD)

But It's something I am consistently paranoid about...many people (specially more local) have come to call me "The Mantis Guru" or "Mantis Man" and they come to me for there information whether its an I.D. or just general care/maintenance.

So a lot of the times I worry about whether I have given them is the most accurate information I could of given them, which is why lots of time, I am very descriptive and just rant on a small subject to offload as much as I can in an attempt to completely answer the question.

I'd hate to see a thread "Kharn Killed My Mantis because I..."