Kharn what do you do to keep the buildup of crud from accumulating in your DSB tanks?
Nothing =)
As I said earlier, these are extremely clean animals and whilst in the wild they have been observed storing food within there burrows, I have yet to witness it, if food is not completely consumed, its discarded out of the burrow almost in like a reverse strike method, it holds the dead food, lifts it up, then throws it away by striking the water column.
I'm still waiting for a "Nuke" to happen but I have been made confident by various members on here (inc Dr.Caldwell) that ultra deep sand beds (30cm+ deep) that house large spearers don't nuke or become toxic waste lands.
So it was a concern that plagued my mind originally back in October last year when I first started but after repeatedly asking the question I got the same answers back, not going to be a problem.
I have often found uneaten food above the spearers burrows or a little further away in the tank, if they were storing food then they would store food not dump it up top for me to remove it but, I believe this is in direct relation to the animals sheer intelligence, as I said in the wild they often horde food not eaten, in aquariums they don't....perhaps they KNOW that in this strange clear box, they get fed and hence have no need to horde any food not eaten as it will be just be a waste of space and foul water, I dunno but it's interesting nonetheless.
EDIT: Also as far as the smashers go, there waste tends to be situated around/in the cavity/den, when things get to messy inside I will often see them eaither dumping food out of the cavity or they use there swimmers to fan inside the burrow sending lots of fine debris flying out of the cavity, this motion helps to keep there cavity clean too, it's distinctive to see, suddenly there is also this debris coming out from the crack in a rock and its the smasher 'spring' cleaning =D